Most likely a low pressure issue. Depending on where the oil pressure sensor is on the engine, a clogged/restricted filter may either raise the pressure reading or lower it.
Chances are, the engine, or the oil pump, is just slap worn out. Check the bottom of the oil pan, and see if it is caved in. That would restrict the oil pump pickup tube, and cause a problem. The issue then is, how long has it been driven like this, and how much ancillary damage has been done?
I'd change the oil & filter, as everyone has suggested, but I would install a mechanical gauge temporarily before driving, to see what the pressure is actually doing. Rattling lifters don't always mean low oil sometimes means the cam & lifters are worn out. Rattling, AND low oil pressure is not good, no matter how you look at it.... :swoon:
Good Luck with it, anyway. :beg: