[POLL] Who will win the race...

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Perhaps we do lose with either but. With her we lose the coal industry and all the jobs affiliated. We lose our guns and rights to them. We lose any semblance of border control. We gain a bunch of destitute refugees with assorted terrorists among them. We lose the last bit of belief in law and law enforcement. What's not to like about a Clinton America?
I don't like either of them. I also remember all the doomsday predictions before Obama took office...he'll take all your guns...he'll destroy America...he's a Muslim terrorist, born in Kenya...he's pure evil...etc. Well, we're still here, you still have your guns, homes are selling instead of being foreclosed, construction is everywhere - at least out here anyway, the auto industry is thriving, plenty of trucks on the road delivering goods... It's certainly far from perfect, but it's far from being destroyed. The President can't repeal the 2nd amendment - you'll always have your guns. Turn off Limbaugh, Hannity, Lavine, Savage, Cunningham, and the other entertainers, including the liberal media, and look for the real truth. You won't find much, but these clowns are mostly responsible for the divisions we're experiencing now, not any President.

Several years ago, I knew a woman in New York who had lived in the same apartment building for over forty years. She was disabled, a very sweet woman with no family, but she was happy. I hadn't been in contact with her for several years, and I recently found out that she died from exposure during a blizzard, homeless on the street. According to a mutual friend, her apartment building, and the surrounding property had been purchased by Mr. Trump for re-development. He collected the tenant's rents, then served them with eviction papers. She had no savings, and, living on disability, could not afford to move. The building was demolished, and she was living on the street. Trump would not help in any way. I wonder how many others have had their lives ruined, because of T-rump's greed. He will never get my vote.

If he should happen to win the election, I will certainly wish him the best, and hope he is a success, for the good of the country, and the world. I might not want some of his ideas or policies to become law, but anyone who wants to see a President fail, in my opinion, is not a good citizen.
Well put Steve! Locally, in all of the conversations I have had, I get amazed at times when I hear how people think the government is run (or not run). They often have no idea how laws are made and think the President makes all the laws and is responsible for all of the tax money spent. Only congress can makes laws and develop spending laws for the President to sign. It really is a 3 way system. People are giving Presidents way more power and authority than the Constitution allows.

Most of our political system is tied up in sound bites! If people really think those 30 second spots are keeping them fully informed, than we really have become a nation of instant gratification only.
well that a good example of the liberal system in place now of its true valve ...the system totally failed this woman ...while they were giving refugees illegals full care along with paying there way here ....
This woman's death has nothing to do with "the system." The system kept her rent in check for 40 years, and she was able to manage on her disability payments, thanks to those "horrible liberals." Trump's greed and uncaring attitude are the major causes of her death.

Too many people are whining about how terrible this country and its government is today. Do you ever throw out spoiled food from the fridge? Do you drink clean water, and breathe clean air? Do you have a bank account? Is your home comfortable year-round? Can you go to whatever church you want, or not go at all if you choose? Do you own multiple vehicles, some of which are simply for pleasure? We can travel anywhere in the country we want, anytime we want. We have an open internet. We have more freedoms than most others in the world only dream of, or can't even imagine.

We have this election coming up, and yes, there will be fraud, but it will be a tiny percent, and will not affect the outcome. The candidates may be crap, but they're who we voted for in the primaries. They weren't appointed by a dictatorial regime, or simply carrying on the family crown.
well i couldnt disagree more ..what trump did broke no laws ..it was all legal ...it was also big ...at the time all this happen the system did not have to act like it didnt happen and should have led the way to help this woman ...and she should have been there.... till she found another place ....
What I noticed is this thread had 60 views and only 7 votes when I come on :nea: . Kinda like tha Real Elections aint it? Get out and vote Folks :good:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=183287#p183287:lrqnv4wx said:
BikerJoe » 3 minutes ago[/url]":lrqnv4wx]
What I noticed is this thread had 60 views and only 7 votes when I come on :nea: . Kinda like tha Real Elections aint it? Get out and vote Folks :good:
I've been watching the same thing. Interesting isn't it.
My brother constantly complains about how bad things are for him yet he's never registered to vote. Maybe voting won't do any good but the way I see it, if you don't you're not even trying.
I vote because it is a right given to me as a individual that many died for to keep. Having traveled out of the country and visited other countries that do not have the freedoms we have has set me straight many more times than I can count.

I may not like the candidates available, but I am thankful that it is not a dictatorship and there are many other checks and balances that prevent our Commander in Chief from becoming a Dictator in Chief.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=183292#p183292:d6tul854 said:
detdrbuzzard » 30 minutes ago[/url]":d6tul854]
i though this was a motorcycle forum
Yes and it still is...I was just curious what others thought in a poll since the elections are such a hot topic now and no harm in a side topic. Just a few days left :BigGrin:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=183292#p183292:2c760ege said:
detdrbuzzard » Fri Nov 04, 2016 2:57 pm[/url]":2c760ege]
i though this was a motorcycle forum
It is...with a "Way Off Topic" section. Another freedom I'm grateful for - freedom of speech!
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=183286#p183286:1r5uidcx said:
joedrum » Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:44 pm[/url]":1r5uidcx]
well i couldnt disagree more ..what trump did broke no laws ..it was all legal ...it was also big ...at the time all this happen the system did not have to act like it didnt happen and should have led the way to help this woman ...and she should have been there.... till she found another place ....
I never said that he broke the law. There are plenty of horrible things you can do to people without breaking the law. I'm saying that his greedy ways, and the fact that he only cares about those in his circle of wealth, contributed to her death, and who knows how many others have suffered, or are suffering.

He may not have broken any laws by not paying his share of taxes, but does that make it OK? He, of all people, can certainly afford to pay his fair share. Not "smart," just selfish and greedy. If he's elected, the taxes we pay will cover his salary. The biggest problems in the world, in my opinion, are selfishness and greed.
Well Dan thanks for the free speech temporally here, Agree With Joedrum reading the story about the little ole lady that died from exposure , 40 years later in Liberal NY ..while Non-Americans are taking all our American Entitlements..Not sure that story came out to well now did it , Also Ford is Laying off Thousands of workers as we speak in KC and KY even in Mexico ..so i have to call BS on some of these replies but most entertaining at best ! New Home and construction in the North East is Dead and has Never recovered , The Largest Employer in RI is the State and Fed Gobment jobs and our Taxes are going through the roof .. and Our State is Insolvent just like Californacation, Owned to Dept to the Fed Gob, We now for the first time have Panhandlers on every corner like we have never seen before , America has Riots everywhere and Union Democrat Police Killing Democrat Black folk like Jim Crow days in the Deep South we seen as kids on the news , Dixiecrats , The CBO jobless reports are smoke and mirrors ..This should be the Under Employment Rate. That would be more the Truth ! BTW If America's biggest economy is Small business that floats our jobs why are not the Un employed Small business accounted for on the CBO records ?, It would be more like 21 % Un employment ..Barry Soetoro or whatever his name is has done nothing for Jobs in 8 years , Were the heck are all these College grads going to find work with so many Large Corps leaving the US ..Thanks Barry ! Give us our Country back like the Union was Kicked out of the UK ! The Polls were Wrong there also ! Go Trump ! Drain the Swamp !
Bottom line the way I see it is our country isn't solvent. This insolvency trickles down to each state then ultimately down to the people. Here in Los Angeles there are over 80,000 homeless....Yes 80,000!! That is not their choosing obviously and is just one indicator of how bad things have gotten. Many other states have similar numbers and increasing.

Is this the way our country should continue to be run?
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