Pool player with ENTIRELY too much free time...

Classic Goldwings

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Kewl, eh? A nerdy looking guy, fer sher, but MAN...can he spin a pool ball!
I wonder if he ever gets the gurl, tho...
see now that there gal was just as fine as they get, this pool shooting video was fun to watch but I must say I really enjoyed the beautiful female assistant a lot more than that silly rabbit shooting the balls around, she's got herself a job anywhere just looking pretty, my goodness..I found myself once in awhile looking away from her, she's a work of art man..gosh darn nice legs...I enjoyed this alot.. :shock: :fishin:
I enjoyed it! wonder how any red blodded fellow could keep his concentration on some of those clevage shots! :popcorn: :good: :clapping: :popcorn:
scdmarx":17ny5a3c said:
:shock: Naw, too skinny.
We only like fat chicks at our house. :whip: :whip: :whip: :party:

Fat Bottom Girls you make the Rockin World Go Round :music: :music: :music: :music: :music: