rummy,obummer.....rummy,obummer lol

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dan filipi

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Not much of a choice. I vote joedrum lol.

Anyway, specifically I'm wondering what you guys thoughts are on the energy deal.
As I understand it Rummy wants to make us oil independent with no supply from the East.
Obummer wants to "continue" pursuing alternate "renewable" energies, solar, wind etc.

It seems Rummy wants to go at it immediately to lower fuel cost, Obummer seems not too concerned about that.

I think we should get the fuel cost down and not have to rely on camel jockies because I think that will help our economy faster than anything.

What are your thoughts on this?
There is no question that we need to be energy independent, for STRATEGIC reasons, not just to lower our energy costs, which is also great. And, there is no question that developing our vast resources, while also putting some money toward next generation energy sources, will create a much more robust economy than we have now. IMHO
well there isnt much of a choice as you said ...its been a longer than long time since the gov did anything for the citizens of america except bring hardship and loss of rights and freedom from either unions of the political game ...when general motors trashed all the electric cars that had batteries that would go 3oo miles on a single charge and crushed them and had texaco oil company buy and hide the tecknowledgy for the people and then gm come out with the volt total junk electric car 20yrs later shows you how concerned the people in washington are for the people its all about control and making sure the people never have the resorces to challenge the total fraud of the gov against we the people the land of the bread baskit of the world there only one conclusion one can make about a gov that has everything in the grips of failure....its criminal and stacked against the people ....sheesh gas isnt gas anymore its like gas isnt food anymore ...its more in line with poison ...the political unions like the demagods and the waring mongering ******* do what ever there union boos masters tell them to do ...this yr the federal reserve is going to be voted to have another 100yrs of contact to screw the american people out of the rest of this country for there banking global empire of pure hell to all but them...the moneychangers that own the federal reserve is what wrong with this country no matter if you talk energy from what ever sorce the last 100yrs the federal reserve has made so much money off the backs of americans that it has scamed most of the land ..all corporation ..created a one sided casino worst than vegas to steal whatever they want in companys peoples retirement gov bonds gold at fort knox that used to be there ..all federal park lands all utilities oil wind coal or whatever ...and then still have enough to build armies bases all over the world and war and kill people in invading there countries and cal it humanitatian aide is just sickening to me as a jesus loving and follower of his decent words of freedom for all.....while we the people own nothing ...if people would stand up and force dcgov to deport the moneychangers and the federalresevebank charter to switzerland or isreal and to stick there made up detb to where the sun dont shine ....that the energy policy america needs to put in place hmmm hope no one gets mad with me ...just my opinion and how i see it
In my opinion, there is no one to vote for. All candidates are looking to lead us into the grave. Conspiritists. All of them. We currently have a president who has no verifiable history to speak of and cannot prove who the hell he is. And his biggest voter, ? are the people who have been programmed to depend on that check in the mail because they deserve it. What does that tell you? How can this be? I think they're all having sex with each other.

The right thing to do would be to ween the U.S. from Arab oil, then focus on alternate energy sources. We also need to bring our jobs back home. :head bang:

I have a lot more to say, but it won't be nice. :whip:
Bottom line is this. We can't stand 4 more years of this idiot! We have more than enough resources here to be energy independent indefinitely. If we as a country quit regulating every minor aspect of everything and let the economy grow as it will. There are thousands of oil wells already drilled that have been capped off and never used. And what is so bad in using the coal that we have? Emissions from coal burning are almost nothing today.

Here's my deal....
I ain't up on politics in general..just too much BS for me. But...I do know we gotta do something different than what has been done in the recent past. The economy SUCKS a big fat one...obummer keeps saying "I inherited this". Well...just think of what he's gunna inherit if he gets re-elected....who's he gunna blame then? Joe the Plummer?
Our energy policy is a friggin joke. Retire FIRE the EPA jerks that don't want any new refineries built. Quit buying oil from other countries. Put the people of THIS country back to work in the oil fields/distribution area. STOP the flow of illegals from the south, and STOP givin the ones that are already here a free ride/amnesty. These are a few of my LEAST favorite things.....
Will rummy be any better? Who the hell knows, but I bet things would get better for most of US...the poor working slobs that are paying $4+ a gal for gas to get to/from work if whomever is in office stops giving free handouts to people that don't deserve **** from me......OR the guv-ment.

Is that clear enough? :smilie_happy:
Y'know......I often wonder......why don't we just take Mexico and clean that **** up? Seems it would be a lot simpler than piddling around with this on going border crap. Just eliminate the border and manage the use their gold and resources to create an economy.
We don't need any other country's resources; we just need to get petty bureaucrats who see themselves as "Lords of the U.S. Resources" out of the way. They are preventing us from developing our enormous resources. We are the Saudi Arabia of coal and natural gas and they CAN be used cleanly now.

What really pisses me off is seeing my fellow Americans suffering greatly and knowing that the petty bureaucrats care more about their ideology than their fellow Americans, who also happen to be their employers! :rant:
I'm not talking about taking anything away from Mexico. I'm talking about using what they already have to build their economy since we can't keep them out of ours. Wasn't that our supposed purpose for going into Iraq? Wouldn't Mexico be closer and easier?
With todays economy illegal immigrants arriving are about the same as the number going back. If every politician elected in the last 6 years had done absolutely nothing. The economy would have righted itself long ago. And I'd finally have someone to vote "for". Whoever, whatever the challenger is to those in office now will get my vote. I'll vote for a potted houseplant over this Alfred E Newman socialist.
Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel , "Pick up your shovels, mount your ***** and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land." Nearly 75 years ago, (when Welfare was introduced) Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your *****, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land." Today, Congress has stolen your shovel, taxed your *****, raised the price of Camels and mortgaged the Promised Land! I was so depressed last night thinking about Health Care Plans, the economy, the wars, lost jobs, savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc .... I called a Suicide Hotline.

I had to press 1 for English. :rant:

I was connected to a call center in Pakistan..I told them I was suicidal. :crying:

They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck...... :shock:

Folks, we're screwed...
joedrum":25tit1it said:
well there isnt much of a choice as you said ...its been a longer than long time since the gov did anything for the citizens of america except bring hardship and loss of rights and freedom from either unions of the political game ...
Most intelligent words spoke in this thread,
AApple":25tit1it said:
Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel , "Pick up your shovels, mount your ***** and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land." Nearly 75 years ago, (when Welfare was introduced) Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your *****, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land." Today, Congress has stolen your shovel, taxed your *****, raised the price of Camels and mortgaged the Promised Land! I was so depressed last night thinking about Health Care Plans, the economy, the wars, lost jobs, savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc .... I called a Suicide Hotline.

I had to press 1 for English. :rant:

I was connected to a call center in Pakistan..I told them I was suicidal. :crying:

They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck...... :shock:

Folks, we're screwed...
Sad but true.

IMHO either of these clowns offer anything for the American people. They don't deserve my vote ........
We've got so much outside money flowing into this states Senate race it makes your head spin. One side unions & the other 5 million from Karl Rove. Whats happening to our state!!!
C'mon guys! Have you not heard the late USN S.E.A.L. Tyrone Woods' father speaking about what happened to his son, another S.E.A.L.(stands for Sea, Air, and Land) an ambassador and another diplomat on Sept. 11. The motherfuckers LET them die for political purposes!! Pure and simple!

As Ty Woods' father said: "Better to die as a hero than live as a coward." These White House maggots are not worthy to carry Ty's casket! If this ******** is re-elected he'll be impeached over this. Great, then we get a lunatic named Joe Biden for President!

God, we need your help here! :beg:
agree totaly we just couldnt have any worst people to vote for ,,,so im voting for god and let the maggot parisites on the take antiamericans fight it out ,,,there nothing about the dcgov i can moraly agree with ...tha gov is traitors to we the people and the people of the world ...the worst gov on the face of the earth...god help us from this deception and scam of a gov inflicked on the people like a plauge for the intrest of the moneychanger scums of hell on earth to all but them

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