My 83 Aspy project bike would not turn over when I tried it earlier in the month after sitting all winter. The starter was getting voltage but it was not drawing any current. There was no starter movement what so ever and there was high resistance between the starter's supply post and ground. Open starter. I found the removal guide here and had the starter out within about 30 minutes. More about the starter removal later. Anyway I disassembled the starter and discovered that there is a connection inside the starter at the brushes that connects a heavy copper wire to the brusher holder assembly. The connection is held in place by a small Phillips screw. There is a connection at each brush holder. Both of my phillips screws were loose. One was almost out of the threads. I tightened the screws and added some Lock Tight and continuity across the start was restored. Starter tested fine when I hooked it up to a test battery. I reinstalled the starter and it is starting the bike fine so I guess the problem has been solved. Just thought I would share. Any way back to the starter removal - when removing the starter I discovered that it was only being held in place by one bolt. The bolt near the drive end is there but the other bolt that goes through the slotted hole in the starter was missing and has been broken off flush with the case. I put the starter back in with the single bolt but I don't like the idea of only 1 bolt holding it in place. I would think that it will probably end up breaking off the remaining bolt. I have a set of Easyout bits and I am hoping that as I drill into the broken bolt it will spin out on its own and save the threads, I've had this happen before however if it doesn't come out I guess it's a drill and tap job. I am a little concerned about doing this as I don't want to go through the block. Has anyone done this before? Any idea how thick or how deep I can safety drill into this hole? I assume that the other bolt would give me an indication of depth? Any advice would be appreciated.