Still no fire! [emoji2959]

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
TheRepoGuy » 19 minutes ago[/url]":hkzul016]
dan filipi":hkzul016 said:
Could very well be you’ve got a blown head gasket, but stay the course by getting it to fire and run. Verify compression and spark timing first.

I’ve got spark at all four plugs so I’m good there - timing marks on the pulleys were all lined up correctly before I attempted to crank it over including the T1 mark on the flywheel so that should be straight; getting fuel to the system which leads me to the compression issue. I have to go get a gauge at some point this morning but haven’t made it there yet, late night relocating vehicles which haven’t been paid for so I’m about half functional ha!

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Valve timing and ignition (spark) timing, are 2 very different things.
dan filipi":3fu427uf said:
[url= said:
TheRepoGuy » 19 minutes ago[/url]":3fu427uf]
dan filipi":3fu427uf said:
Could very well be you’ve got a blown head gasket, but stay the course by getting it to fire and run. Verify compression and spark timing first.

I’ve got spark at all four plugs so I’m good there - timing marks on the pulleys were all lined up correctly before I attempted to crank it over including the T1 mark on the flywheel so that should be straight; getting fuel to the system which leads me to the compression issue. I have to go get a gauge at some point this morning but haven’t made it there yet, late night relocating vehicles which haven’t been paid for so I’m about half functional ha!

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Valve timing and ignition (spark) timing, are 2 very different things.

I’d agree - I checked both, the T1 mark and the pulley marks before I cranked her over and everything was lined up the way it should have been.

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[url= said:
joedrum » Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:44 am[/url]":48w3gjeg]
[url= said:
PurpleGL1200I » Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:32 am[/url]":48w3gjeg]
Basic Info: 1 & 2 are fired by the same coil. #1 piston will be at almost top dead center when it fires and #2 piston will be at almost bottom dead center. One of the sparks does nothing because #2 has no fuel or compression at that point; that's why it is called a "wasted spark" system.

3 & 4 are fired by the other coil, with the same setup. #3 at TDC, 4 at BDC.

This piston arrangement results in a power stroke every 180 degrees.

Please forgive me for belaboring the point.

Hmmm mark this is not quite right ...if number 1 piston is up is number 2 ....same with 3 and 4 ....if 3 is up so is 4....

Joe's right about the piston positions; I got confused.

Came across this graphic - if it’s correct then this coil setup will not work properly for the GL1200 unless I’m mistaken.

Showing circuit 1 fires coils 2 and 3
Circuit 3 fires coils 1 and 4

Firing order shows 1-3-2-4

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The front cylinders (1 & 2) fire together, as do the rears (3 & 4). In your diagram, the coil terminals across from each other will fire either fronts or rears, depending upon how it's wired. Ignore the numbers on the coil, as the car engine has a different firing order then the Wing engine.
Steve83":3ppe8ar7 said:
The front cylinders (1 & 2) fire together, as do the rears (3 & 4). In your diagram, the coil terminals across from each other will fire either fronts or rears, depending upon how it's wired. Ignore the numbers on the coil, as the car engine has a different firing order then the Wing engine.

Mine is wired the same way as the picture shows, the CP itself is bad; secondary resistance is straight but primary isn’t within spec so it’ll go back to the place I bought it from and I’ll get another one to try but I’ll be bringing my meter with me when I go back to the shop ha!

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Ok the reason it shows firing order like that is ...when 1 piston fires both 1and2 wires spark...but only 1 piston is on the compression fire stroke ....2piston has just exhausted burnt gas out the exhaust valve and is fixing to suck in new gas charge from it doesn’t fire ...that’s waisted apark system...the next piston that’s ready to fire is 3 ...and it’s fire comes from the other coil ...andit also sparks 4 piston too but it’s not on compression fire stroke either and won’t fire ....the next is 2 that will fire and last to fire is 4 ..the neon coils should work if sparking ...hope I explained this right for you Nate
joedrum":1mmfjym7 said:
Ok the reason it shows firing order like that is ...when 1 piston fires both 1and2 wires spark...but only 1 piston is on the compression fire stroke ....2piston has just exhausted burnt gas out the exhaust valve and is fixing to suck in new gas charge from it doesn’t fire ...that’s waisted apark system...the next piston that’s ready to fire is 3 ...and it’s fire comes from the other coil ...andit also sparks 4 piston too but it’s not on compression fire stroke either and won’t fire ....the next is 2 that will fire and last to fire is 4 ..the neon coils should work if sparking ...hope I explained this right for you Nate

It explains it - doesn’t matter much when the CP is cooked. It’s totally fried as far as I can tell with the meter which doesn’t help when it’s trying to fire and can’t produce the right amount of Zap ha!

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joedrum":2pvrr3on said:
True.... I don have any experience with the neon coils set up glad to have c5 on my bike a perfectly best ignition set up ever for oldwings

Budgeted rebuild otherwise I’d have the same on mine ha!

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