strange oil leak/

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
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Mar 30, 2012
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believe it's no. 4 carb bowl,,, left bank,,, rear cycl... oil drippin off the bottom of bowl,,,, noticed it before,,, sure u think it's gas right off,,, no,,, oil..,,, not 100% on if it's engine oil,, kinda clean,, could it have sumthn to do w/runnin the tranny fluid in the gas? also,, been too lazy to take the stainless side cover off,, but i think it's the same leak that goes across the top of my starter and then drips on the pipes/ and that definitly is engine oil... could i b pullin sum oil from a crankcase breather (pcv) up to near the air intake,,, then onto the carb??? :moped:
fixin to go for a ride,,, noticed there "is" a pcv hose,,, one of those small clamps was not on properly at the union ,, .. moved it c if that helps.
That could be it.
Pull the air filter out and see if there's a bunch of oil in the bottom of the filter box. A lot of oil could accumulate there if running an oiled typed air filter then drip out that tube.
yes it can ...i never vent the crancase in the carbs certinly cant help power or combustion in my book plus it takes the question of where the oilcomes from somewhere else but here ...i know someone going to squash me on this but so what my skin thick and my head harder
There really shouldn't be any oil coming up thru the vent hose should there? Wouldn't that be a sign of excess blow by from worn compression rings over pressuring the crankcase and forcing the oil out the path of least resistance.
Far as I know there shouldn't be any engine oil going up there.

That hose is more a crankcase vent, unlike a pcv valve on a car which is getting its vacuum from the intake. On older cars anyway.
dan filipi":4zk1eyy5 said:
Far as I know there shouldn't be any engine oil going up there.

That hose is more a crankcase vent, unlike a pcv valve on a car which is getting its vacuum from the intake. On older cars anyway.
Yes it is only a crankcase vent. These opposed piston engines can develop a terrific amount of crankcase pressure if not relieved to atmosphere at all times.
its right there by the crank ...just try starting one at idle with the timing cap off ....i do it to make sure i never remember to put it on before cranking batting 1000 here
thanx everyone,,, i posted ,, but ? censored?.... i will check for oil in the air filter housing, put a lil too much oil in last change,, got the site glass covered while on centerstand.. oops.. have to check comp at a later date,, thinkn of takin er on a lil trip to visit friends in S.C.. ? 80 mi east of hotlanta.. later :fishin:

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