Stupid work exercises...

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Omega Man

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Dec 3, 2009
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Sin City, Nevada
I've been on vacation the last week and yesterday the wife told me about some thing we are going to be expected to participate in during an upcoming district wide(30 people) meeting. It's been bugging the **** out of me since she told me about it.

We are supposed to write something about ourselves that no one else knows about ourselves on a piece of paper, which will be drawn from a hat and the group is supposed to guess who it is. What kind of horseshit is this? I don't know why but this kind of thing brings out the worst in me, I mean that is a rude thing to ask of someone if you ask me.

Tell 'em you believe the coal fields are still growing. Let em try to figure out who wrote that. :hihihi:
Yeah that's a buncha ****.
The networking group I went to had a question like that on the bio they had you fill out.

I like slabs answer or you could say you like to sit and watch grass grow but my response to the wife would be "Nope, aint going".
"I'm a former CIA operative"
"I like to fart in the bathtub"
"I see dead people..."