it is with great regret that i make this post and will try to be as respectful as i can with such a disgusting that has happen to all people that live in indiana ...the indiana supreme court has strip all property rights in indiana from it people here in the state ...your home in indiana can entered by the gov or law enforcement without any warrants your property and all stuff you own can be gone through ransacked confincated or distroyed and if you resist in anyway in there opinion you can shot with deadly force ....this has effectively made all people in indiana no better off than the palestinians in gaza or weat bank in israel ...but even more worst is that anybody who is in indiana can be completely assaulted in public and shot to death for absolutly no reason at all .....
this puts indiana as one of the worst places to in in entire world and i suggest that none of follow wing brothers stay out of indiana as your life is in peril just being here ive stayed quiet about this but it didnt take long for alot of law enforcement people allready talking of random searches of residents as things :crying: :beg: :shock: :rant: :head bang: :head bang: there going to do here ...thepeople in indiana are good people but apparently the state has declared war against any and freedoms here ...iwent to breakfast at where the cops eat and overheard there laughter about there new found control they have .....and i cant help but be entirely upset over all the money and work ive invested in my home has trashed by three judges in indiana that change everything for all people that live here ....on the other side of this is that now any decent law enforcement people that still show up for work in this state have to be considered SS squad nazis no matter how good there intensions are label by these judges as nazis true american could work for law enforcement now but if they made a stand there family would be the first to be gone after what horrible possistion for people to put in ....but its time to do something tho if it were me and i had been put in this possistions by these insane judges ....i sure hope this puts an end to govener mcdaniels bid for he president for sure ..he put these judges in place that did personaly am taking all my stuff thats means anything to me out of this state period
i can only say that there is no good reason to come visit me in indiana under such conditions ans caution all not to step foot in this state period ...i think all people in other states sould boycott indiana completely andnot buy any products made here at all pulling my son out of the public school and done with it thinking of sending him to another state for his safety as he is a teenager and under these cercumstances am dont want to get a story about how he resisted law enforcement and was killed ....this the most disgustint thing that has ever happen to me and my family as in gov intrusion ....this is effectively marshall law in america without coming out and saying so ...seems to be the american way of goverment today im severaly upset and will probably not post much for awhile as this has taken me out of my normal joyful self and im not much of a faker in attituded ...god bless everyone here as you are all true friends of mine in our great little wingdom forum :help: :help:
this puts indiana as one of the worst places to in in entire world and i suggest that none of follow wing brothers stay out of indiana as your life is in peril just being here ive stayed quiet about this but it didnt take long for alot of law enforcement people allready talking of random searches of residents as things :crying: :beg: :shock: :rant: :head bang: :head bang: there going to do here ...thepeople in indiana are good people but apparently the state has declared war against any and freedoms here ...iwent to breakfast at where the cops eat and overheard there laughter about there new found control they have .....and i cant help but be entirely upset over all the money and work ive invested in my home has trashed by three judges in indiana that change everything for all people that live here ....on the other side of this is that now any decent law enforcement people that still show up for work in this state have to be considered SS squad nazis no matter how good there intensions are label by these judges as nazis true american could work for law enforcement now but if they made a stand there family would be the first to be gone after what horrible possistion for people to put in ....but its time to do something tho if it were me and i had been put in this possistions by these insane judges ....i sure hope this puts an end to govener mcdaniels bid for he president for sure ..he put these judges in place that did personaly am taking all my stuff thats means anything to me out of this state period
i can only say that there is no good reason to come visit me in indiana under such conditions ans caution all not to step foot in this state period ...i think all people in other states sould boycott indiana completely andnot buy any products made here at all pulling my son out of the public school and done with it thinking of sending him to another state for his safety as he is a teenager and under these cercumstances am dont want to get a story about how he resisted law enforcement and was killed ....this the most disgustint thing that has ever happen to me and my family as in gov intrusion ....this is effectively marshall law in america without coming out and saying so ...seems to be the american way of goverment today im severaly upset and will probably not post much for awhile as this has taken me out of my normal joyful self and im not much of a faker in attituded ...god bless everyone here as you are all true friends of mine in our great little wingdom forum :help: :help: