A week ago my wing started having problems with signal lights, horn and then the engine started stumbling on acceleration, and then when I would go to crank it the starter seemed to drag for a second then it would start and then my fm started having engine noise come thru it like if you were running non resistor plugs. I'm thinking Ok, this could get expensive, possibly starter replace, carb overhaul, electrical work, so I did what anyone else would do, I decided to fix the left sidecover. When I removed the sidecover I decided to put a charge on the battery. That's when I found the problem. Both battery cables were loose. Tightened them babies up and it fixed every problem I had. Runs great now, just like the day I bought it. I guess it was intermittently loosing ground and power and it was causing all the problems. How lucky can you get. :Egyptian: :Egyptian: