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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Dec 3, 2009
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Holland MI
I know this was covered,but I believe it was before the crash of '09

I want to move my trunk back a bit.
I have an 83 with the longer seat and rack already,but I want more.
I see ADD-ON offers a kit that they say fits both 1100s and 1200s for about $35.00,and thats what Im considering.
Does anyone have this kit,and how do you like it?I dont think I can remove the trunk with this kit,but thats not important to me.I dont really take it off anyhow.
I'm thinking about doing this also.

Tory, do you notice your trunk seems to "bounce" when hitting big bumps?
I'm thinking this is because of the springs and moving the trunk back might make this worse.
I might see about removing the springs when I do mine.

Someone posted some real nice pics how they moved theirs back, hopefully they'll reply.
Thanks, Ross!!
Mine also does not bounce when locked in, and I have to push down on the trunk fairly hard for them to latch. Your springs are prolly worn out, Dan, or maybe the adjustment is off?
From what I understood, the commercial re-locating "kit" did render the locks useless, so the trunk would pretty much be a permanent addition...

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