Well, now we're TOTALLY ******!

Classic Goldwings

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Sep 15, 2012
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Minnesota, USA
Unbelievable! Lenin called them "Useful Idiots" and they sure showed up at the polling booths today.

I'm sorry, my friends, but I see what's coming, and we're not gonna like it. Socialists are only good at two things, killing people and stealing their ****.
My 18 year old was walking around the house saying to me
"Nanner, Nanner, Obama woooooon . ****, I felt like slapping her one.
It's the young voters that screwed us, I'm sure of it!
its time to get serious about paying taxes and the whole finacial scam that has been inflected on the american people by the federalreserve monchangers parisite scums who have been draining americas wealth unstop for 100 yrs of pure profit grabbing ...and all these scums can do is tell americans how much detb were in ....we the people are not in debt to these moneychangers at all ...they are criminals ...there money is just paper back by nothing ...we kill people in other countries when there smart enough not to except toilet paper money for there goods ....not like us braindead anericans who except this crap as payment but also except the debt ...we are exceptionaly stupid here in america....i as a true patriot of the founding fathers wont support dcgov traitor puppets on the take and there puppet masters the federalreserve bank of pure scum and hell on earth to all but them :cheeky:
Kids are brainwashed into believing the gov is something we even need.
Then there's the freeloaders that expect the gov to take care of them.
Every little turn seems we have less freedom.
Should be another interesting 4 years.
Wonder if I should start putting bars on my windows and load up on ammo to keep what little I still have.
It's not just the youngsters that feed into the hype. It's also the freeloader illegals that have registered to vote, and the folks that have enough money that all of this crap don't effect them at all. The true working class are the ones gettin ****** every which way by people who couldn't care less about our well being, as long as WE keep paying in to the system, so they can relax on their lazy ***** and collect more freebies from the gov.
Ain't nuttin WE can do about it but bitch, so that's what we do. Would the other guy have been any better? Who knows....for me, it was worth a shot. I did my part in voting, and my vote was irrelevant with the system this country has. THAT'S why everyone don't wanna participate....it's because they KNOW their vote will not count....period. There's no logical way to explain to someone WHY the candidate that actually got more votes did not win.... :Awe:
I don't like that arrogant son of a bitch that's in office now, nor do I like his nasty ass ho wife....

Ain't nuthin I can do but try my best to survive, and try to keep as much of what I got as I can.....cause it's not gonna last.....
A buddy of mine I lived with too long almost started brewing our own beer we drank so much.

Ok......we can charge taxes but that means free beer for everyone.
If you don't drink....well then you can guard the border.
Well....you would obviously want the sober ones guarding the border, considering the ones in charge of that now are apparently drunk/stoned/tweekin, and unable to see what's happening....and absolutely too drunk/stoned/tweekin to give a ****....

its one thing like what is going on now that the gov is at war with the founding father patriot rebles like they were ....but beleave me were not to far from the gov actualy turning on the american military with all the kill by button weapoons drones and all now days ...the whole idea that you are considered a terroist if your ex miltary....says it all and what they think of you ....we have got to get our country back from the worst people on earth
dan filipi":2rzjlcw4 said:
Kids are brainwashed into believing the gov is something we even need.
Then there's the freeloaders that expect the gov to take care of them.
Every little turn seems we have less freedom.
Should be another interesting 4 years.
Wonder if I should start putting bars on my windows and load up on ammo to keep what little I still have.
Think of what you just said here. Kids by virtue of their youth have never had to actually work for anything. Parents have always "given". So as they transition to, I'll call it adulthood for lack of a better term. They relate best to a gov. that "gives". The same can be said for those in the welfare system and those who've been payed to sit at home and collected unemployment for years. They too transition to welfare that this administration has removed the work requirement from. Add in all the retired folks on social security,medicare and a host of other "programs". Then tack on the disabled (according to SSI) who have never worked but are on social security for life. At this point I've read these people are now over 65% of the population. Another 20% or so should collapse the whole economy. Then the elite can declare capitalism doesn't work and they'll be backed by most of the Sheeple. Hang on folks it's going to get really rough from here.
I believe it was Mark Twain who said. "If you are not liberal in your 20s you have no heart. If you are not conservative in your 30s you have no brain." :head bang:
Well I usually think about what I'm going to say before I say it so as not to "hurt" anyone's feeling, though sometimes that dunt work out like planned. :smilie_happy:

I can relate to your reasoning V.
In many ways I'm to blame for the example my kids have had growing up like working my ass off to support 3 kids and a stay at home Mom.
Yeah, my family values are pretty much gone these days when being "Gay is OK" and a president "with a nice smile" wins a second term.
It's a peculiar world we live in.
No offense intended toward anyone. It's just an observation of the logic behind the situation we now endure.
as much as the country has gone into detb the federal reserve has pofited and bought everything all in hidden leagle ways ...theres no prosparity in a system like this its mathematicly impossible....a total scam

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