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Classic Goldwings

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I pulled the sidepanels off. Have to finf out why tge 1500 wants to idle at 2500 RPM. Boy lots of sh-- to remove. lots of stuff to check. Relays, valves, sensors, ECU, and just stuff. Lots of room, NOT.... :head bang: :head bang: :fiddle: :read: :heat:
I've been rebuilding my carbs with Randakk's kit. Everything went well until Tues night when I found the last carb had a really plugged up idle jet. Wasn't able to clear it so I soaked it with penetrating oil overnight. Today I tried Littlebeavers method of removing the pressed in idle jet(the bike is an 81). Using a microtorch I heated the tower for about 2 minutes(less time did nothing) and I was able to twist it out with a #1 screw extracter. Really didn't want to do it but there was't a choice. Good thing is it worked. The jet is now soaking in carb. cleaner.
I put my son on to the High reving 1500. Figure hes more numble than I am. If he solves the problem, I might have him pull the 1100 engine for stator replacement. Jusr sold a project bike on CL, a 72 Indian 125 SS. Made NO promis to provide pic's of finfshed rebuild.. :Egyptian: :Egyptian: :roll: :roll: :head bang: :head bang:
Went to Sears and bought a new Diehard Gold, (pt # 18l-bs) added the electrolyte, and put it on a 2 amp charge for a few hours. Meanwhile, I soldered up my stator wires, and did some cleaning. When the battree was charged I took it for a short shake down run, and also to warm up the oil so's I could change it. So far everything is going according to plan, and we will be departing for FLA next week!

p.s. The Die Hard was listed at $109.00, a little steep but I have had the best luck with them. Bonus, it rang up at less than $85.00 tx included out the door!
put on front turn signals,started her up just to find out i need to fix a carb cap. and need to get a new battery,need to find out where to plug the turn signals at. put on the new mc.tried to bled. don't know if it worked yet. put off putting new wind shield on. then gave up for the day.
Put a new AGM battery in her, the old one (old style battery) just would not do this year :rant: :rant: :rant:
First ride/shakedown run after the winter, carb rebuild and new ignition.

Jacket on, bike running, off the centre stand to move it out of the garage, clutch in, click it into first.


Jacket off, adjust clutch.

Maximum clutch adjustment.

Did some online reading about stuck clutch plates, and how to break them loose. Back onto centre stand, start, first gear, clutch out, rear wheel spins....pull clutch, hit rear brake.
Ta-DA! Fixed. :Egyptian:

Two short rides to make sure everything actually does work, and nothing (self included) falls off. So far, so good.
Rain forcast for next four days. :roll:
I bought the 1500 a hairdryer. :smilie_happy: My how you have to improvise for these girls :fishin: :wave: Have to provide some heat to see if a part is working. Fast idle problrm is the sh---. :head bang: :head bang: 1500's have as many relays ,valves,and other control devices and interlocks as cars and they all have to work. The cost of a little check valve,on bigger tham my thumb nail cost $47.00, can't wait to have to trplace something serious. :rant: :rant: As soon as i find out what caused this problem I will post fix. I think the faring must have a 1000 peaces :head bang: :head bang: :crying:
Today I delved into the fairing to correct some wiring issues left over from the P.O., To call it a rats nest would be an insult to the rat! I got it straightened out and connected correctly and then I got out the polish....mostly shiny, I called it a day! I need to get a lift, toooo much crouching and bending over!!

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