What shop manual should I get for a 1977 GL1000?

Classic Goldwings

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Ed Fleming

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
Merrimack, NH
I have used Clymer and Haynes for previous bikes. I sort of like the Haynes, but are there any others that are better for goldwings? THanks!
The Honda manual can be a bit hard to read and leaves out some basic stuff but the info in it is the best. Clymer manual has some stuff downright wrong. Particularly in the wiring.But it is pretty good. I've not seen a haynes manual on wings yet so I can't say good or bad there.
My opinion only. Clymer cannot be trusted and is fit for lighting the fire with only!

Use the Honda manual first, backed up with the Haynes one, and you will cover most things. Anything you are unsure of..ASK! That's what this and other Wing forums are for!
The manuals are here, if you look in the Gallery... :yes:
If you want a hardcopy, check ebay... :good:
I've a Download page on my site.

I've the Clymer (GL 10/11), Haynes (10, 11 and 12) and the '78-only Honda DIY Maintenance Guide there, along with a bunch of single-carb stuff that I think is important. Have the Factory 1000 manual on the old D/L page and haven't moved it yet.

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