Shifter appears to be cable operated. Prolly has a modified foot shift arm, connected to the cable, and the other end of the cable attached to the floor shifter between the seats. 1 forward, 4 back, + reverse.
VERY reminiscent of the Cushman 3-wheeler I built in high skool....the one I lost a finger to. :rant:
I found a Cushman cart, two front wheels, one in the rear, with complete sprung/damped supension. The local Yamama shop had a 125 Yamama enduro bike someone had brought in to have work done on, but never came back for it after they fixed it. Bought it for $50. Cut the steering head, and rear suspension stuff off, and welded the frame, with engine(and fuel tank) still in it onto the Cushman frame. Ran a chain from the engine to the rear wheel sprocket. Dang thing would run 60mph down the road....on 8" wheels/tires! GOt a couple of pics of it somewhere. I had the regular foot shifter pointed straight up, and you had to reach back to grab it and shift. One day....I missed. Grabbed the chain instead.
oh2: It hertz to this very day..... After that, I built a proper shifter with some clevises and chrome tubing. :whistling:
That's a neat 3-wheeler, but I don't think I'd pay that much for the plans, and video. I bet a lot of us here are prolly intelligent enough to figure it out on our own, iffin we wanted.