What to heck is this ?

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Camden , AR
:shock: Found this laying between the upper frame rails behind the gas tank, it's got a oem # but I didn't find it on the schematic and couldn't pull up the number. It's plugged into main harness headed to the rear. Anybody got any idea, it's on an 84-I. Could it be the elusive flux capacitor? :swoon: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
Judging by it just laying there next to the gas tank sending unit it don't look stock.
What is it tied into? Lighting?
My guess is it's a brake light isolator without more do go on.
It's plugged into main harness headed towards the rear of the bike. It looks factory installed to me dan. It's got me puzzled, but i haven't run the wires down yet. Just thought someone may have seen one of these hombres before.
It could be but I was leaning a little more towards the whatchamacallit ? :smilie_happy: I'm running the wire colors out on the schematic now and it has to do with the brake, , running, and license plate lights and the front and rear brake lite switches and the ignition switch.
ok, is it suppose to be mounted kind of behind the battery and starter solenoid beside the fuel tank? I think someone just stuffed it behind the fuel tank when they hardwired the stator wires and put in a 30 amp fuse, is my guess.
comes with a rubber mount that clips on a tab (forget exactly where it is but it is close to the battery yes) you will see a small tab (little less than an inch)
Thanks 1060, i gave that bike another wth look when I saw that fan motor fuse way back there, Honda even labeled the frame so it could be found, I had to laugh out loud on that one. That's a long ways to go for something like that, but it is easy to get to, I give them credit for that.