Whats on your head?

Classic Goldwings

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I agree it should be personal choice. I also believe one should take responsibilty for the outcome of those decisions. Am I alone in finding it funny that adults on bicycles wear those funny looking foam helmets. While guys ride by on $50,000 bikes wearing a do rag on their heads?
jdegase":2w67dhpz said:
First I want to say. I am pro choice.
I think it should be your choice... BUT

I also want to say "I shouldnt be penalized in any way for changes in our hemet laws."
our insurance companys are threatening higher rates for bikers and lower payouts in most cases for ALL riders.(helmet or not)
growing up I was always taught to wear a hemet. dirt biking it was just a givin to be safe.
when I moved on to riding a bigger road bike I always wear a helmet.
and I can say with some confidence without the helmet I wouldnt be here typing today.

in a wreck I was in back in 1990 the other drivers insurance paid out over 4million in doctor bills. patched me up.
now michigans insurance companies are threatening to cap those types of claims on ALL bikers.
and raise rates.
That is what I'm against.
also I dont want to be reverse discriminated against for being safe in my opinion.

You are correct,and as someone who has been unfortunitly very familier with michigan no fault due to my wifes auto accident I would hate to see the proposed changes.

However with a car accident in michigan your own insurance pays the medical bills ,ie no fault.With a motorcycle there is no unlimited no fault.Just the medical benifits you agreed on,if you bought any, with your insurance when the policy was taken out.Even though you still have to pay the michigan catostrophic claims on each vehicle you insure.

But if it is a car bike accident (michigan) reguardless of fault,the car is always the liable party and responsible for your medical.
Kinda makes the foolish MY HEAD MY CHOICE argument void if someone else is paying for your head.
With michgan re thinking the helmet law it will raise our insurance even more and still be screwed.
scdmarx":11c4q1up said:
I see riders with shorts and tank tops, with some very pleasant to look at bare legs and tube tops holding on, zipping through traffic with nothing to fear. But they're cool as long as they got that bucket strapped over they're head.

Seat belts are required by law, antilock brakes are not.
Helmets are required by law, training wheels are not.
I don't see the logic.
I call BS

Yep,thats foolish,but no more foolish than the stereotypical HD rider draped in $1000.00 of leather and a $19.00 beany helmet.(with a $1.00 HELMET LAWS SUCK sticker) Makes it clear to me that they are more concerned about there tatoo's than there brain,which makes cents,its probably worth more. :smilie_happy:

I am not against freedom ofcourse,but how many poor choices do our tax dollars have to support?
I say if you dont want to wear proper gear,wear seat belts,obey warning signs or labels,then that is fine.But you should sign a waiver that says you will never recieve "Hand outs" for injurys do to your ignorance.

Then I will be OK with YOUR HEAD,YOUR CHOICE.

P.S. You forgot to mention the thousands of school bus's out there everyday without seatbelts. :shock:
greed if they had a way of fining kids without training wheels they would ...first they make a law you have to have ...now its like a tax no choice at all...then whats required continuously gose down in its coverage of what its suppose to do ...because now they dont have to sale it anymore ....our health care is diffinitly going to the bottom of the barrel now that its going to be a tax or law with no choice period ...all you have to do is look at VA health care for the vets to see gov disfunction in doing anything decent to the most worthy ....good products that are held in check to be saleable at fair prices needs no law or tax to exist ...i dont like spending money on things to get dictated to by the people that took my money...god spare me the people who know best for me please ...they never do
You are exactly right joe,
We would be better off with out the govermant controll,but also the social and welfare programs that go along with it.
Leave my money and choices to me,I think I can do better.Unfortunitly the goverment does not believe we are smart enough,and that they can do better with our cash.

As I said earlier,I am all for freedom,but if the "MAN" as dan puts it,is controlling my money,I am going to have a vested interest it what he does with it.I always vote,big or small elections and stay involved in my local township and county politics as well.And I am sick and tired of watching MY MONEY support the undeserving with a better life style than I can afford to live with out the hand outs.Buy billions of cell phones for folks that dont need them,bail out those that shouldnt be just to wacth them spend the money out of this country,and send billions of dollars to countrys that dont like us,as well as support our own foolishness.

LESS SAM BERNSTIEN as long as we are at it.
I'm pretty much with what has already been said. I'm tired of our government coming out with these laws to protect us from our selves. AKA Helmet laws, Seatbelt laws.

I use a half & a 3/4 helmet. Sometimes around town.....no helmet. Because there is no helmet law in Wisconsin.
But be sure to strap yourself in your cage before you get rolling. Otherwise you may get a ticket! :sensored: :sensored:
Well I have hair on my head!!!! Nobodt needs to tell me that if I want to keep it there I need to protect it. I rode enduros in the 50s, through the 90s and I always wore a full helmet it kept the branches from taking my hair off, and thanks to the helmet I still have a full head of hair, not sure if my brain isn't scrambled though as I landed on my head many times :smilie_happy: :cheeky: :hihihi: :ahem: :whistling:
Nothing like dirt riding to make you appreciate protective gear. When you're trying hard you fall often. Everyone geares up real quick. Open face around town and full face on the hyway or if it's cold out.