What's up with these shootings?

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eastern Ohio
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While I more than agree this officer is guilty as charged and went way out of bounds. I can't help but wonder what would have happened had the victim been more cooperative. Had he just agreed to get in the car and gone to the station would any of this have happened? Maybe it would have. But I think not. Perhaps the rules we put on the cops and most follow are too restrictive. Okay I'm opening Pandora's box. In Germany if the cop yells halt! Stop for Americans you'd best stop moving your feet or get shot. This is well known and most will simply comply. Perhaps that is why fewer get shot there. Along with the fact that Germany as a country isn't much bigger than the state of Ohio.
What say you? Any world travelers here think the laws need changed?
i dont care where it happens ...shooting to kill the unarmed is not justified ...anywhere in the universe ... a unarmed guy running away is no threat to anyone ...for a traffic violation...most cops cant even shoot good ... ive shot at ranges with many of them ...training to use kill shots is just policy of murder ....and the conflict of intrest is huge when the judging system and prosecutors side with cops ...and the burden to prove different is on the dead ...in war both sides are armed in cops land its a onesided slaughter on the unarmed ...nope i dont respect that at all ...just plain murder
That cops has history of abuse. Quite frankly I feel to many cops are out of control. One shouldn't have to risk one's life just for non-compliance, this is America. Modern day police have a plethora of ******** laws tailored to allow them to do anything they like subverting every single right guaranteed by the Constitution. Are there good cops? Yes, but I feel the majority abuse their power. Worse than that are the people that blindly support, apologize for and excuse bad police behavior.

Here in Vegas:

A highway patrolman kills a family of four while driving 120mph to get to a college class because he was going to be late.
Multiple patrolmen have been removed from duty for forcing women to have sex or sexual groping during patdowns, one even forced a woman to have sex in county court meeting room. He didn't know there was a camera filming.
Child pornography.
3 officers beating a 90yrld man that weighed 100lbs nearly to death for not following commands(he had dementia).
Killing a mother driving an ice cream truck in front of her kids claiming she had a knife, eye witnesses testified there was no knife.
Stealing money, jewelry and even deeds to vehicles.
Spousel abuse.

I do feel sorry for the good cops out there because the majority make monsters of them all in my and many peoples eyes.

It's a simple fact, one risks death with any and every interaction with the police.

Cops have a tough job with split second life or death decisions that have to made but this latest one shooting the guy in the back 8 times is completely unjustified and the actions of a coward.

I wonder though if this stuff hasn't been happening for a long time and only now making it known with all the cameras around these days.
You might have heard we have one prob. LAPD officer shot a guy here in Pomona Ca, still on the run..I wonder what he would have been like on the force had this not happened. I think they have lowered the bar to become a LEO, maybe the really good guys say "no way"transfer or quit and they are left with a limited pool.
I believe in cities that are high crime and tough to patrol it is hard to find the best cops to stay there and not transfer out after a probation period, those that stay love the adrenalin rush of the bust, allot of ex military stay in these situation and are not shy about pulling their weapon should they feel threatened. These area`s have no respect for the law, bad guys will shoot an officer without hesitation, the officers get taunted daily, threatened all the time and to live this all week long takes a toll.
Those that say "If you cant handle it get a different job"...Well OK many do but who is left to patrol the streets, you have to raise your level to the level around you or you will be a victim.
We ask allot of law enforcement, never in history have they had so many procedures and rules of arrest and all have to be followed by the book while engaging in hostile situations, It`s a tough job guys..I don't make any judgment of an officer till I walk in his shoes.
From the video I seen it doesn't look good for him, he could have pursued, he wasn't moving that fast not to be able to catch him.
It`s sad for all the families involved.
One other thing , the lead story Headline everywhere is WHITE cop shoots a BLACK man..I think this is the most inflammatory statement the media makes, There are as many even more white and Hispanic men and women that have been shot by white, hispanic,and black cops but when was the last headline that said black cop shoots hispanic man or hispanic cop shoots black man.
What is this?? I really would like someone to explain why race is even mentioned in this situation and why is it alway white on black that is reported in this manner.
Society today, as a whole, has gone to ****. Black, white, brown, purple, pink polky-dotted, don't make any difference.....NO-ONE has any respect for anyone else(in general). Society has made it OKAY for folks to do whatever they want when confronted with LEO, because "All Cops are bad, jack-booted thugs".
I know my rights as a citizen...I know I have the right to refuse certain requests by LEO....I choose to COMPLY with those requests, regardless. And..I get to go home every night, with no new holes in my body. Cops have a hard enough time just surviving every day, without having to deal with arm-chair quarterbacks/race-baiters, or some smart mouthed jack-ass stirring the pot.
Too many real thugs out there LOOKING for trouble from a young age. Too many people that think the laws don't apply to them in any fashion. "I'm gunna do whatever I want, and I don't want to suffer any of the consequences of my bad decisions. **** the cops, and anyone else that gets in my way".
Are there "bad" cops? Hell yes there are. Been face to face with plenty of them, but there are far more "good" cops than bad cops. Problem is, when is the last time you read a story, or saw a video of a cop saving someone's life at the risk of their own? Anyone? I dint think so. Thass because that kind of news isn't provocative. Feel good stuff is boring....white cop/black perp is far more stimulating. Black thug shoots white cop? Never see those stories, but it happens every friggin day. Illegal immigrant stalks, ambushes, and kills cop in alley? Naw...not juicy enough for prime time. Happened here just a few years ago. Where's a anger about THAT? Where's Sharpton, Jackson, or ACLU when that happens?

In this particular case, it was an unjustified shoot....no matter how you look at it. This particular cop will not go free from prosecution, and will most likely be convicted. One of the problems here is the rumor mill. News stories, radio hacks, what have you, NONE of them have ALL of the vital information about what actually happened, other than the short video, which shows without a doubt that this cop shot that guy in the back as he was running AWAY from the cop. But....what happened BEFORE that? Or does it not matter?
The comparison with Germany is valid, imho. Apparently, German people know it's best to comply with officer requests. Here, however, it's "**** you pig, you ain't taking ME to jail". Well then...perhaps if you did as you were asked to begin with, there would be nothing more than possibly a warning, a ticket, or maybe just a well-deserved ass-chewing. Did this guy deserve to be shot in the back while running away from the cop? I don't believe so, nor does anyone else on the planet. However....had he done as he was asked, he wouldn't be dead....just a deadbeat Dad.
Don't like cops? Wish they would all just go away? Then what? A lawless society has never been proven to work out well for anyone......
Good point about not knowing what happened prior but come on, 8 shots in the back?
Looks to me like cop too damn lazy to run after him, which wouldn't have taken much to catch him.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=145525#p145525:9im0zn7q said:
dan filipi » Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:21 am[/url]":9im0zn7q]
Good point about not knowing what happened prior but come on, 8 shots in the back?
Looks to me like cop too damn lazy to run after him, which wouldn't have taken much to catch him.
True, that guy was out of steam and probably would have dropped from fatigue rather then bullets and the officer would be in his patrol car today, the runner would be behind bars...Bad decisions take seconds.
Trying hard to remain neutral about it but I don't recall hearing anything like stop or I'll shoot or anything like that.
Bottom line is the black guy was posing no threat to the cop when he started running, not waving a gun or knife, nothing like that.
Putting myself in the cops shoes, ESPECIALLY in light of all the racial tension these days, I would have NEVER shot the guy.
Watching the video can see the 8th shot was delayed, pussy cop.
I'm glad the cop was fired and facing murder charges.
I agree with everyone of the posts here. We know the police are armed and they have some hard decisions to make in split seconds. We don't know who else we pass each day is armed or with what weapons or influenced by what legal or illegal medications. Police do get a little jaded and arrogant in dealing with the scum regularly.Each time I just chat with a cop putting gas in his car it seems I made his day. Prejudice is on both sides of the issue. There aren't any classes to attend teaching folks to make good decisions. Even if there were there is no doubt bad decisions will be made by all.
From the evidence available to me it is pretty clear both got stupid and both will pay dearly for that stupidity. One dead the other facing life in prison or the death penalty. Clearly for just plain stupid choices.
The attorney is paid to defend as best he can. Some are better at it than others. I wouldn't even try to defend this guy.
I am curious to find out if the part of the video where the cop is dropping something at the feet of the body is just the spent tazer weapon or a drop gun. My God... drop guns. You've heard of them right?

Watched news, no mention of what the attorney said on the radio news, hmm I bet it was hushed.
They did show the cops dash cam video where the black guy was asked if he had insurance and said no, 1/2 minute later he took off running when the cop went back to his car for whatever. Was all it showed.
well were all missing a huge deal here .. there are many good cops and bad as well ... the system they work for is the prevailing power ..to me it seems the system they work for punishes good cops with loss of jobs to promote more money collecting bad cop actions are favored over good cops ..bad cops ..they seem to break there necks protecting them ... to me that tells the story ... the system favors bad cops over good cops ...and this is what you get .
What he dropped by him was the taser pistol, The guy had taser prongs still in him when he was shot, the leads extended across the field to where he broke loose of the officer.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=145602#p145602:1xfpei21 said:
joedrum » 19 minutes ago[/url]":1xfpei21]
well were all missing a huge deal here .. there are many good cops and bad as well ... the system they work for is the prevailing power ..to me it seems the system they work for punishes good cops with loss of jobs to promote more money collecting bad cop actions are favored over good cops ..bad cops ..they seem to break there necks protecting them ... to me that tells the story ... the system favors bad cops over good cops ...and this is what you get .
Hmm, so you're saying this was a good cop or a bad cop?
I heard the guy was trying to get away from the taser. So yes it makes sense that is what the now ex cop put on the ground to check the guys pulse. Bad choices lead to bad results.
your more likely to be murder or killed by force ...from a cop than any other sourse period ...its not race thing ...cops are killing all colors of people....

freedom of speech is great till one these monsters ask you something ..but the freedon of silence is better ...dont ever answer one ? and i mean never...this man was killed cause his tail light was out and then he answer ? from this killer scumfuck cop .....its obvious the dead victom was 1000 times better person than this scumfuck worthless deadlife cop
Perhaps so. i do agree it's best to shut up. Use your miranda rights. A traffic stop should never escalate to this level.

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