Well-known member
I recently replaced the old, leaky air shocks on my GL1100 with a set of manually adjustable units from a low mileage 93 Vulcan 1500. Despite being a half inch longer, installation was a breeze, (about 1 hour) having only to change the rubber bushings in the shock ends. Was able to do the swap without removing my saddlebags too. :yahoo: that was a surprise..The ride is much improved, especially 2-up with the wife. I had thought about rebuilding the old units, but the "cost" of the Vulcan shocks over-ruled that (they were freebies, given to me for helping a fellow biker install progressives on his bike). I chose not to remove the filler for the old units because of the space issue and trying to get it out of the frame without losing a finger or two :smilie_happy: but did unhook the sensor wire for the underinflation light.