Engine Knock - that elusive noise!

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Kingsport, Tennessee
My Bike Models
Former '82 GL1100 "The Slug"
When I got my first Wing, it was an '82 that sat for 12 years out in the weather and had most definately seen better days.

Engine had a slight problem :hihihi: :

So we found a wrecked parts bike on Ebay to get another engine (and a few other goodies!):

Not really knowing ANYTHING about Goldwings, I was thrilled that the parts bike had lots of stuff besides a running engine!! :yahoo:
To make a lonnnnnggggg story short.....we took the best of everything and restored the '82 to the road! :yahoo: :party:

But......not long into the first few rides, I notice some noise in the '81 engine that just didn't seem quite right.

Noisy start ups:

Rough running when cold:

Loud rapping noise that shows up above 3000 RPM:

Tracked it down with no load on the engine in this video (listen at 0:45 seconds and 1:03 seconds):
There has been a whole thread dedicated to engine knocks so I won't go over old territory too much.

https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewt ... 8248#p8248

With much time and careful dedication to the cause....I was able to get the engine to sound like this:


NOT! (I WISH.....That is my transplanted '83 engine) :smilie_happy:

Here is a thread on that one!
https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewt ... 4403#p4403

OK....OK.....back on track!! :ahem: :hihihi: :doh:
Rather than pull my hair out too much, with all of the help on that other thread, it was determined that the engine might be a bit risky to keep on the road and I decided that a replacement was the cheaper path (and it was!)

With the engine out, I pulled the heads and started another thread on the springs valves and cams:


Bottom line, the valves were worn, springs were out of spec and the cams had some wear for sure. Turns out the engine had over 169K miles on it and the 12K or so miles before I got it the PO beat the daylights out of the bike (took an '81 Interstate and tried to make it into a street racer....it didn't work too well for him.)

One of the things I found in the first oil change was shiney metal and sand! (Apparantly, he didn't have too many friends or someone didn't like him and poured some sand into the oil fill! :shock: )

After much discussion and watching LOTS of videos, it seems the problems are more than one issue:

- The start up noise indicates loose lower end bearings
- The rough at cold was carb related
- The rapping at 3K RPM no load is most likely worn wrist pins

So.....tonight starts the process of splitting the case and once and for all determining the cause of the knocking!

(Stay tuned :thank_you: )
Alright! Time to get the hands dirty!!! :mischief:

Well......why get them dirty if you don't have to right? First things first......lets see if I can FIND the engine:
81_Engine 001.jpg

Now that I found it.....no point in working on a dirty engine......lets clean her up:
81_Engine 002.jpg
81_Engine 003.jpg
81_Engine 004.jpg


  • 81_Engine 005.jpg
    81_Engine 005.jpg
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Ahhhh...clean enough to start the tear down:
81_Engine 006.jpg
81_Engine 007.jpg
81_Engine 008.jpg

After a few hours of wrenching, heads are off, back cover, fuel pump, stator, starter clutch, transfer shaft, cooling tubes and tstat housing and all of that oil that I THOUGHT was out when I pulled the engine! :rant:

81_Engine 009.jpg
81_Engine 011.jpg

Thats enough for tonight! I have a funeral to go to on Thursday evening, my Wife's Uncle passsed suddenly while we were in VA. My wife is still down there so I am representing our family.

I should be able to get back at on Friday evening! :whip:
dan filipi":3ioqczza said:
Hey, where's the oil spill?

Last time I split mine open it was everywhere!
Ahhhh.....you forget.....I split the '82 and learned my lesson the hard way! :doh: :Awe: :shock:

I was prepared when I tilted it up on end with the oil plug out and a pan with rags! :mrgreen: :thank_you:
BTW....as I go through this tear down, I do not intend to reassemble so if anyone sees parts they need let me know. I will be keeping the starter, stator, fuel pump and other small items that would be useful to have for spares.
slabghost":3oirhgwj said:
I'd be happy to have the belt and valve covers if they are to go.
Timing belts? They were from Saber Cycle, are stamped China and have about 7K miles on them not counting the nearly two years the engine sat after I installed the '83 engine.

The valve covers are what I call the cheapie aftermarket chrome ones. I'll post close ups later if you like.
The case is split open! :clapping: :party: :Egyptian: :shock: :roll: :cool: :swoon: :music: :salute: :ahem:

Sooooo.......what did I find?

*Well, first off, the water pump was shot! :hihihi: :shock: It had a little Rock & Roll to it! :smilie_happy:

*The front cover gasket was bad at the top which was my source of much of the leaking oil on my boots!

*I know, I know.....what about the innerds??? :read: :whip:
I'll have to start a sad song first---- :fiddle:

The pistons could be rocked in any direction desired! :Awe: The rod bearings were so loose that I do not need plastigauge to measure, I could use a ruler! :smilie_happy:

I took a very quick video (right before the batteries in the camera died). You can see how easy the piston slides on the wrist pin, but notice how easy the rods can be twisted in the rod bearings:

The bearings have lots of wear and missing material. The main crank bearings did not show much play, but they were also worn pretty good. When I popped the front crank bearing cap off, it smelled like burned oil. The rear crank bearing was really worn!

Here are some pics:
81_Engine 013.jpg
81_Engine 014.jpg
81_Engine 015.jpg

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