My first bike with a fairing and windshield. Now my first bike with a broken windshield (and mirror). Now I can get a new windshield :yes: and mirror. Old windshield was :hihihi: real tall and was a wrap-a-round. 30" from edge of fairing to top. Is that how you measure it? Standard they say is 20". With the tall windshield I got quite a bit of buffeting at high speed. Kinda surprised me. I'm about 6 ft, tall. I've seen posts where it seems most like the height at nose level so you can see just over the windshield and its good for airflow too. You guys agree? Do you think I should go to 22" height? Is the windshield adjustable on an 80 Goldwing? Thanks for your input. Now, about how it got damaged......Better be sure that kickstand is down all the way :head bang: :rant: :doh: