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Classic Goldwings

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  1. S

    new member

    welcome from the uk home of constant rain.
  2. S

    new member

    welcome from across the pond
  3. S

    Why do you like it here?

    my first post as a newbie was what i thought would be considered a stupid question but it was answered almost immediately and the explanations on how it works (seafoam) came from people who had been there and done that and are more than willing to help .what an excellent site .
  4. S


    unfortunately even with 2x12 white l.e.d s 2 bullet l.e.d.s white helmet .reflective jacket plus a fully dressed wing i still have the ability to sneak up on cars and people and scare the pants off them .the bonus is i see them first + have very very loud air horns. so its not all bad.
  5. S


    i discovered today that my wing is fitted with stealth technology .went for a quick ride before changing oil only to have 4 cars pull out in front of me and 1 stupid pedestrian (spotted them all thank god) just can't find the off switch .
  6. S

    Hello out there.............

    welcome from across the pond
  7. S

    goldwing mechanics uk

    excellent idea joep thank you i reckon replacing springs makes sense as well im thinking about a 3-4 hours for the job
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    goldwing mechanics uk

    not having access to a garage makes it difficult to carry out any long jobs on the wing that and the weather at the moment. i need to replace fork oil seals and that can't be done at the roadside or can it
  9. S

    goldwing mechanics uk

    hi . just wondering if any uk wingers know of a bike mechanic near south coast specialising in wings as most down this way can't or won't work on a 30 year old machine thanks in advance.
  10. S

    New member hello

    welcome from across the pond you have the same year and model as me .unfortunately i can't pop round and help out but as said previously there are many good people on here with a wealth of experience have fun
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    foot ball

    i hereby endorse dave mantles reply and add over here we call baseball rounders?
  12. S

    new to the world of wings

    welcome from across the pond.nice looking machine
  13. S

    Greetings from Glenview, IL-New Member

    welcome from across the pond very neat wiring job
  14. S


    just finished 3x14 hour days arriving at home stinking of petrol both bike+trousers on last day decided to have a look.. . took 10 seconds to find fuel leaking from filter hose onto engine + exhaust. a close call considering it only took me 10 mins to replace the fuel lines .what the hell...
  15. S

    New member old jarhead

    welcome from across the pond
  16. S

    no money spent?

    over the past few months l've replaced the starter clutch.vacuum advance. side stand drive oil seals fork seals .tyres e.t.c this is the first month that i 've spent absolutely no money on the old girl surely there is something very wrong here. i don't understand it at all.
  17. S


    welcome from across the pond
  18. S

    85 Aspencade Rescued

    welcome from across the pond that is a really nice looking machine
  19. S

    New Member, New 82 Goldwing Owner

    welcome from across the pond nice wing
  20. S

    final drive oil seal

    thank you all especially steve83 as usual the people on this site know their stuff it was the wrong seal i have now ordered the correct one so at the moment the bike is having a rest