New member

So, I sorted out there was in fact a charging issue a few weeks ago. Took a beautiful ride with a freshly charged battery, got stranded at my office when I went inside to pick up my check and the bike wouldn't start. Jumped her and eventually got home.
I purchased a new rectifier, because I've had Yamahas with similar issues and that solved the problem. Last night, I took the battery to get tested. It came back with a weird code, so the clerk swapped it out since it was still in the 90 day period. Today, I went out to the garage to test the stator.
When I got there, I couldn't find te connector to unplug the stator from the wiring harness. Turns out, someone soldered the wires together instead of using the connector. Not sure who/why. I cut the connection, because I figure I can put some sort of connection on when I get to that point.
With the multimeter and my Clymer's, I think I have figured out that there is an open circuit. I anticipate that means I will be pulling the motor in the near future. Peter (engineer/bike nut mentioned earlier) said something about bypassing a coil, which sounds like something the engine would have to be cracke for, so I would think replacing or rewinding would be the better route anyway.