A new forum for vendors

Classic Goldwings

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dan filipi

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Dec 3, 2009
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Van Nuys Ca.
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I've always relied on the members here for input and opinions building CGW.
That input has brought this site to what it is today, a success with great members!

It's for this reason I like to ask before making major changes and additions to the forum.
I don't want to wreck a good thing.

One thing I believe has helped in the forums success is not allowing any sort of ads or flashy outside banners to clutter things up. Keeping the format simple is what I want to maintain.

We have a few motorcycle parts vendors interested in paying a "subscription" to advertise on the site.
My idea is to keep this advertising completely off the main forums by building separate forums dedicated to each specific vendor.
Being a separate forum gives the vendor their own ad space while keeping the clutter off the main forums.

These new forums would allow vendors (motorcycle related ONLY) to post their parts and accessories for sale on a somewhat customized page still linked to the forums.

Is this something you'd like to see?

The subscription revenue can be used for a number of things like sponsoring meets and helping out other members as well as making up for what we're usually short on server and software expenses which come out of my pocket.
okay you ask for advise ....i dont like it ...its working well now ....we have a for sale forum allready ...we have donation option .....to me this brings in a level of classisum over regular members as in say so or the appearence of it....other forums have done this and thats why i like here ...just an opinion but i like the way you have done this whole thing dan ....and i cant see fixing whats not broke at all ....sellers will just have to be subject to the same standing as all ...we all appreciate the help ones bring ....i try and give my best i have to offer always on a complete equal bases as a brand new member....this i think is what gives us our best to bring to the table ....it is always availible to donate here if one feels the forum is helping them not a payment before the fact or any confusion on what one sould rise to to sale something ...this is one of the best deals ive seen that promotes relationship as oppose to a more buisness like deal ...i like relationship better :headscratch: :thank_you: :mrgreen:
Hmmmmmm.........interesting. On the record...I hate advertising banners at the top or side or advertising in the signatures (seen at some of the other MC sites). (Actually, for that matter....some of our signatures have pictures that seem to be growing in size :hihihi: )

However, if the vendors are limited to a vendor only forum, are restricted from mailing us or contacting us for business, it may be useful. We do have a vendor forum we assembled for the various parts and pieces that has been very useful for me.

Offsetting some of the operating cost with vendor ad fees is an interesting idea, but Joe has some good points about disputes regarding vendors.
mcgovern61":319de5sc said:
are restricted from mailing us or contacting us for business,

There's a big issue I don't think we thought about....we definitely do NOT want vendors sending out P/Ms or emails soliciting members. The private forum would be the only contact.

On our Corvette Registry site(s), we do sell advertising, and the vendors are free to place for sale, or "We're having a fire sale" notices in a SPECIFIC vendor forum. If there are ANY ads, or solicitation in the "normal" forums, it is deleted immediately, and the vender warned. 2nd offense results in a ban, without a refund. So far, that has worked fairly well, and the vendors rarely post anyway...maybe a couple of time a year or so.

I'm kinda on the fence. On one hand, I like the site the way it is, with no ad banners....those with dial-up will definitely agree. However.....on the other hand, I also don't think Dan should have to foot the bill for server costs/software/etc., with only the help from a few supporters that do donate. There are a lot more features here now than there used to be, due to software upgrades, and Dan's never-ending tinkering with new stuff. The site has grown quite a bit, and vendors are taking notice. Dan has come up with a way to set up a totally separate forum for the vendor area, where the vendors ONLY are allowed to post their wares, so it would not really be a distraction from the main forums...no banners and such...just a separate forum. Each vendor would have their own forum, with a specific Moderator keeping an eye on things, to make sure the CGW Forums continue to be void of spam, or sales pitches in posts.
I know Dan wants the CGW Forums to continue to be the place to go for Classic Wing owners, as it is now. If the vendors want to pitch a little $$$$ his way to help defray the cost of running the place, I think that should be considered. Perhaps a short "trial" period, to see how it goes might be worth a shot.
In any case, CGW will stay the best place in cyberland for info on oldwings. :music:
I'm totally against the idea really. If you want to provide a list of links to trusted vendors okay. If even half the membership donated even $0.50 There would be a surplus wouldn't there. Would this change Dans income level or increase his tax burden? Having members foot the bill through donations is iffy at times but promotes a belonging. A sense of partial ownership. I like the family feel we have here now. I'd hate to see that lost.
Well you know my opinion I think that a separate page would benefit everyone - presently if someone is trying to move a parts bike or surplus stuff as I did yesterday we have to enter it as a new topic that goes out to everyone. Some benefited and some chose to ignore it. If there was a separate page those that wanted to look could do so and the guys that are not interested would not even know it’s there. I would take it a bit farther and offer the option of entering a new post that would only be visible to the members while on the commercial page. That way someone who has a bike to move but does not have a private home page can list it as a post for a onetime donation fee of say $1.00. How many times do we see someone who is helping another member with a problem cut and paste an eBay link, with an in-house page we can slip over and take a quick look without even leaving the site not to mention helping out one of our own. I feel this will bring other venders such as my-self into the forum as well and a broader base is not a bad thing.
I see and understand Joe's point about banners and advertising by junk-mail and I feel that should be closely monitored. And Spam should continue to be banned as it is now.
The third point is everything has a cost and on this forum the cost is carried by Dan, I feel as we get bigger (and I see it growing at a healthy rate in the short while I have been here) a tab on the top of the page could go a long way toward paying for the cost of keeping the Forum going as well as offsetting the costs of get-togethers and regional rides.
All in all I think it’s a win – win – win situation
It's just a privilege for me to be here.

That said:
I think that if/when it ever gets to the point that we are told to speak lightly for fear of offending a vendor, then this place has lost something. Cookies, pop ups, redirects, spams, etc. then this place has lost something.

Maybe if they can be kept in their own forum, and on a quarterly subscription, with the option to suspend their account at any time for any reason, at the discretion of the "posse"? Would be good to have some kind of feedback rating for vendors to keep things "members friendly"?

This is not my area of expertise. I can't say that I'm against it. Just afraid of the unknown(s).
How's this for an idea? Why don't vendors create a forum of their own ? Maybe a wingparts.com place? I wouldn't mind if a link to that sort of forum were available. Such a forum would actually be cheaper to the group of vendors and have no adverse impacts here. I have no problem with vendors being active members who participate.
Just so everyone is aware of my intentions, I have NO plans to change the way we do things here.

I built this forum with the idea of keeping it completely member supported with no vendor influence of any kind on the discussions.
I will never allow any sort of bias in our discussions influenced by a paying member, IF that even comes to be.
I promise you, I would leave myself if it came to that!

Keep in mind as you read this thread and other posts, and make use of all the other information available here that there is a reason for the donate button in my sig as well as the other mods sig's and at the bottom of every forum page, to cover hosting fee's.
Then I must have missed something here. If there is a shortage in donations I'll be happy to start a donation thread. Like a telethon of sorts.
yes lets make a donation drive then..... anything to keep from being second teared funding ...my jaw is much fatter than my wallet but it knows where to spend money for the best thing
:smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: Joe, I can run real fast for a fat man. Chas I understand what your saying and I don't disagree with anyone's ideas and stands on the subject. Being relatively new to the site, I didn't know that the 60% or so were abusing it and I was just trying to figure out a way that the cost could be spread over the whole membership. I haven't made a donation as yet but will be glad to. I have joined six different "wing" sites, but this is the one I call home and I am proud to be a member of it. I'm willing to do whatever is decided. Better make sure you got enough tar Joe, I'm a pretty big ol boy. :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
chasrogers":1lolclrt said:
the whole idea is never to have a membership cost for the members. we have some unnamed people with over 60% of there posts only selling stuff. and never contributing to the forum. it is guys like this making money on our forum that should pay for the privledge to sell. heck it might be diffrent if that person had made donations to the forum. but good ideas out the window. and we will not be able to stop that from happening. we will always have that. so Im for a vender forum and all the funds go to CGW Forums. and pay for things like rides that include food. since I can never come to the USA it is not me that would benifit from this and monthly prizes for members just to name a few also software and hardware for back ups and hosting costs as well. what we all need to remember is that this is dans forum and what ever he does is his to decide.
Isn't parts something we need to fix our bikes? I think that is a contribution.
It isn't a privilege to sell it's a needed service. If those buying think prices are too high they are free to pass. Is there a requirement for all to get a donator title to post in the for sale section? Why should the forum pay for rides and food? Are the participants unable to pay their way? Who needs prizes and for what?
Software and hardware costs are relatively minimal and thus far covered by individual donations. As are the hosting costs.
Yes indeed this is Dan's forum and decision. Adding unnecessary income to the forum will change Dan's tax status in ways I'm sure he won't like much. Personally I think this is much ado over nothing.
i dont have any problem with people selling stuff here ...my god its to help one another nobodys getting rich here or abusing anything ....i just dont want to write a new consitution over someone selling stuff for a price ...we all have a relaationship here and things can be funded on a per communication basis as things come up ....we dont dont need to be sliped a mickey to get things by us ...the people who sell here are no different than people who dont ...personaly i have givin things away to members and i think i sold something once cant remember .....were here to help one another a enjoy a relationship over our common intrest ....i dont think anyone has taken advantage here at all ...but i also know dan needs help from time to time ...it is much more appreciated when not mandated or provoked into a merchant forum .....no way ...this is a perfectly running oldwing forum that would be stupid to change ...i
I'm going to let this post run a few days so everyone has a chance to offer their input.
It's been eye opening so far.

I'll make my decision based on the greater good.

If we do scrap this idea you'll be seeing posts targeted at generating donations for various reasons and the vendors already here will be contacted to contribute in various ways to the forums.
Hi all, I am for whatever suits the forum best. I am not sure of the ins and outs of a vendors forum, etc. but I would appreciate the ability to find them if I want to buy something.
On the other hand I like that there isn't a bunch of advertising to wade through.
If we need to man up and donate more money I am all for that too....I have learned things from you all and been given deals on things that really have no price....
Whatever you decide Dan, I am with you...

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