well and truly time for some updates. there have been a few changes and quite a bit of travel since the last posts.
got the inside more or less done and a few more additions. here are some pics. first , a couple of solar panels mounted on the roof. backed up by an 80 watts, portable, fold out solar set.
once the panels were on the roof and running, a battery monitor system was needed. other wise it's all guess work trying to figure out how much charge we have. this set up pictured tells me how much power is being used, how much is being produced and also the charge left in the batteries, as in percentage. very, very useful .
and here are some pictures of the interior, more or less done. i wanted to keep the feeling of 'headspace' so i have not put cupboards etc above any windows. it gives the feeling of plenty of space. nothing worse ( for me ) than feeling
squeezed in... :smilie_happy:
got some screens fitted on the outside , these were quite expensive, security type mesh that keep out most flying bugs as well as being able to sleep with windows open. i say most bugs are kept out, only had one teeny type of insect that was able to get in.... so far.... :roll: