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Classic Goldwings

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Exceptionally WINDY here today...gusts up to & above 50mph on the ride home. Beat the crap outta me! Thought I was gonna get laid over a couple of timeS :heat:
Weather is GREAT here today(so far), but I gotta werk on the '74 and get it ready for a trip up to Illynoy next month. First time the car has been out since '08, so I gotta do some maintenance....would a lot rather be ridin, thO... :builder:
Oh you missed a great day for riding. made it to 70f, sun was out, traffic was light, so was the breeze, and had two good friends out on their bike with me, one on an 89 wing the other on a busa. got home and finally got that oil change donE
EEEEKKK!!! :shock: Rain and HAIL here today!! I pulled the 'Wing inside the shop to keep it safe(r)....gonna be an interesting ride home this eveninG!!!
Yard work and tornado watches are keeping me off the wing today. rain for the next two days will keep me off the wingfirday and saturday look good but i hope its dry sunday so i can go to another blessing of the bikes evenT

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