AGM Battery

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Kingsport, Tennessee
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Former '82 GL1100 "The Slug"
I finally replaced my battery with an AGM type. I went to AutoZone for the "Extreme Magna Power ETX18L" for $89.99. Turns out, the battery is actually a DEKA ETX18L! I have a lot of experience with DEKA batteries on boats and ships and they have always performed well! This battery came fully charged and ready to go.

I have installed a voltmeter in my Standard via the accessory tang in the fuse holder to keep an eye on the voltage in the past and was interested in how the new battery is holding voltage and how high it charges. The highest charge on the meter is 14.8 VDC. At the battery, the highest voltage is 15.2 VDC. The stator is putting out all right! When I come to a stop and the fan comes on with the brake light and turn signal on, the meter shows 12.2 VDC. Increase RPM a little and it is right back up at 14.8 in seconds!

Bike is starting quicker too! I guess my next question is does this battery need a tender over the winter?
That's the same batt I bought earlier this year, upon recommendations. It spins the bike over much faster than the old one. So far, I'm extremely pleased with it. If you do decide to get a tender for it, be sure it is AGM compatible...some are not...or so the ads say. They make different ones for different types of batteries, so I gotta assume they charge differently. :read:
Gerry from what I've read about most AGM's is there's no need to keep them on a charger when stored for extended periods as long as there's is NO parasitic load on it like the preset memory on a radio.

My own experience with an Odyssey is that holds true, I don't know about other brands so if I were you I'd contact the manufacturer and ask them.
I had an AGM sitting idle for months in the bike. When I got my tender I put it on that battery and it was floating in just a few minutes. So, I'd say it didn't really need it. And this battery is 3 years old now.

I agree with you that having a strong fully charged battery makes the bike enjoyable again! :yahoo:
My experience with AGM batteries backs up what Dan said, no need to keep them on the trickler, but if you do put them on trickle they seem to get 'used' to the idea and only sit at 12.5v which is fine except first time you start the bike after extended storage (your winter) make sure the tank is full enough to not rely on the fuel pump and anything thing else that makes starting easy and take her for a good 30-40 minute ride to really get the charge up, this ride is good for the battery also :Egyptian:

And if you remove the battery dont stand it on concrete or steel shelving, use a rubber mat or block of wood to avoid earth leakage, YES I know the caseing is plastic but just go with me on this, applies to all batteries
Nearly a year and still strong! No trickle charging over the winter either! (For that matter, I didn't even disconnect it like I planned.) Nice day yesterday.......fired up instantly and off we went!! :moped:
joedrum":3ik0aibc said:
hmmm i have and AGM and its dead now ...not sure how old it is it with the bike like that its all sealed up and dosnt leak anything..but i need a new one :mrgreen:

HAve you tried to charge it up with a AGM charger?
As I understand it agm's need a higher amp charge than MC wet cells and oddysey even recommends the higher charge like what a car puts out so hook that battery to a car with cables and see if it takes a charge.
dan filipi":25yzs2bn said:
Gerry from what I've read about most AGM's is there's no need to keep them on a charger when stored for extended periods as long as there's is NO parasitic load on it like the preset memory on a radio.

My own experience with an Odyssey is that holds true, I don't know about other brands so if I were you I'd contact the manufacturer and ask them.
Have checked the odyssey site & the PC680MJ is the recommended for the 1100 wing,also on the site there is a PC680 with same specs.Only difference is the metal jacket on the MJ.Which one have you installed Dan? How long have you had on the bike?
the pc680 will fit all wings 1000 - 1500
my friend has a pc680 on his wing and his stator died which drained the battery. i put it on a regular charger set at 2a for about nine hours. i don't know how much of a charge the battery had at that point but it was more than enough to start his wing
Carl, I have the PC680 in mine, close to 2 years now.
It performs fine, has never left me stranded.
Best part of the AGM is no acid drips anywhere.

Odyssey does specify the MJ for our bike. I couldn't see any reason to pay the extra but I wonder if I were to warranty it if they'd honor it.

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