alternator conversion on an 1986 goldwing

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Feb 1, 2013
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streetsboro ohio
hello! I have a 1986 1200 aspencade goldwing 2 years ago it let me down 40 miles from home. well after sitting 20 minutes i push started it and made it to the turnpike and it stayed running all the way home. turn it off and the new battery was dead. charged it up and it would start and off i go. well this didnt last long till i just stopped trying to see if HAHA it would fix it's self! well it sat for 2 months till now and it wont even start. carbs must be gunked-up. now im thinking its the stator and have been reading on the conversion to the exsternal alternator? can this be done and can i do this myself? bodyman by trade and what would it cost to do this? 55
To answer your questions, Yes it is possible to do this on a 1200, Yea you can probably do it yourself being a bodyman your surely to have mechanical skills, and if you scourge the parts yourself you could probably do it for 250 to 300 bucks including the alternator. You can also buy kits in the 300 dollar range without alternator or 600 bucks with alternator, (must be really good alternator), yeah right. First off I would get the battery back up to snuff and clean all the electrical connections involved in charge system, drain and fill with fresh gas, get it started and test the stator. It may not be bad, could be other things causing your problems.
First off yes it can be done, I did the conversion on mine last year pics are in my album.
But as others have said make sure that the stator is bad before going thru with it.
Do all the checks you can before you decide. As for the cost I can not give you any idea I am lucky enough to be a machinist and was able to make my own pulley and brackets so my only cost was the alternator and the belt.
Oh yea and my hats off to anyone who can push start a 86 Aspy. :clapping:
I can barley push mine around the garage. :blush:
thanks for the info. and i have pushed that bike way more than once gotta be kwick with the clutch so it dont get away from ya lol
I once hand wound a stator for an xr200. It's now pulling 24 volts at 5 amps(I may have miscalculated slightly). Wouldn't even think of doing it for this.

On the bright side, my new issue was making sure that I had a powerful bulb.
(....I may have miscalculated slightly)

Worst part was I thought I kept pulling bad bulbs out of my junk drawer. I figured a 80 watts worth of light bulb would be able to handle whatever my measly wrapping job had to offer. It wasn't until it lit up the yard like a qbeam, blinded me, and popped a new 100watt at the same time, that the idea above crossed my mind.
I did a the conversion about 6 months ago on my '86 Interstate. I got my kit from Don "poorboy" piggot which includes all the hardware needed for the install except for the electrical and alternator. The price I paid was $215 plus $15 for shipping. you can contact him at . I think the total cost was about $350 with the alternator, wires and belt (not sure on exact cost because I changed my timing belts and a few other things while I was there). The whole conversion took me about 12 hours because this was the first one i've done.

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