american people matter

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Dec 8, 2009
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chuluota florida
seems a deverse america all came together last night ....and dividing people politics took a huge beating ...even though all the money ...the MSM was all pushing the ethnic war... :BigGrin:
A beautiful thing it was, I had to stay up to watch it, watched everything I could on all media..they held out to the bitter end to call the election...night to remember :Egyptian:
Just woke here. It wasn't over until a bit after 4 am. Oh boy were the media know it alls confused. It was hilarious listening to their trying to figure out what happened.
Seems to me everyone has taken the day off to rest. Dark wet day here so inviting as a rest day.
Unfortunately America this morning 11-10-16 Is Not Uniting... RIOTS across America ! , The Professors and American Government Education system has Failed to Teach our Youth We are a Country ruled Under Law Not Man..The Very people that accused the New President Elect of not answering if he would succeed If Not Elected ! Guess what The Same Hypocrites that Slammed Trump will not succeed as the Democracy system they preached did not go their way ...NO Riots from Conservatives after Barry Soetoro was Elected 2 times .. Hypocrite Professors ! Get a Job Protesters ! Oh my bad ....America Has NO Jobs ! Sad Day [video][/video]
[url= said:
dan filipi » 43 minutes ago[/url]":3tkdsltm]
Trump hasn't done anything yet. What are they protesting, the American democracy in electing a president??

Exactly and their fears
I believe the word you were looking for is "concede". I agree there is absolutely nothing to protest at all. He won't even be sworn in for a couple months and the failed policies in place will remain active for years yet. Seems you can make natural intelligent become stupid but you cannot fix stupid. Makes a working mans PHD so much more valuable.
Hot Flash!! The democrats are now insisting Hiliary won ()she got more popular votes), so the election must have been rigged. I guess the shoe is pinching very hard now.

Saw a post the the Clintons are now toast and will be dropped by the democrats as flag wavers. About time!!
Hahaha Purple ,,It must be rigged ! how could this be ?? btw thanks for keeping a eye on the polls Tues, We are friends with our State rep Costa and her husband Jim , She was at voting poll Tues and the voting sheets were sticking together and people here getting doubles to go vote ? she was upset . but myself knew this State has been Blue always so my vote was just so i could bitch LOL :BigGrin:
[url= said:
slabghost » Today, 8:23 am[/url]":3bh2j421]
I believe the word you were looking for is "concede". I agree there is absolutely nothing to protest at all. He won't even be sworn in for a couple months and the failed policies in place will remain active for years yet. Seems you can make natural intelligent become stupid but you cannot fix stupid. Makes a working mans PHD so much more valuable.
Thanks little early this morning lol.....But it gets worse ! My install was at Liberal Brown University this morning and the Nutjobs at Brown were protesting in Providence city, "about 4 blocks from Brown" Go figure ...Educated Idiots :roll:
I sure wish the media spent more time explaining how the electoral college is designed to work per the constitution. The framers of the constitution were very clear in the preamble as to why the election of the President is not per the popular vote. Not that the popular and electoral vote cannot match, but that the popular vote is not the mechanism for the election of the President.

Worse yet, I wish our schools spent some serious time explaining these processes and requirements to all students as a mandatory process before graduating senior high. I went to parochial schools from elementary through high school back in the '70's and there was a tremendous amount of time spent explaining and required learning about the constitution, election processes for every level of government, the way laws are made and enforced, how to repeal and so on.

In our senior year of HS, we had to know this stuff inside out and backwards because we were taught that a society that does not understand their civic responsibilities and how the process works is doomed to chaos and tyrants. They also explained that tyrants are not always dictators in some far off land, but can be political leaders that have an agenda contrary to fair government and it was our responsibility to participate in the process from the lowest level of local government all the way to President.
The sad thing is, no matter which candidate won, there was going to be craziness from the losing side. We would be seeing the same thing had Hillary won. Ugly.
LMAO ..oh ...ok Like the TEA party violence when almost a million peaceful protesters showed up in DC ..They left the scene cleaner than it was before they got there , Besides BS ..Repubs Ain't paying enough to incite riots ...Give me $ 1500 bucks like the Left agitators got at Trump rallies and i may consider raising a little He!! hahahaha sorry bro wrong party :BigGrin: ... hey-hire-/
From Ghandi and King and non-violent protest we went to civil disobedience and violent protest. I think Ron Reagan addressed it best: “All of it began the first time some of you who know better, and are old enough to know better, let young people think that they have the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest”

When I saw the video of Obama telling Mexican Americans to tell people not to worry if they tried to vote and are found out to be illegal aliens, that we won't prosecute or deport people for that, it irritated the heck out of me. When the highest office in the land winks at breaking the law.

Say some prayers for our country and our leaders during this time.
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