this bill is the most discussting thing the gov has ever pulled againts the people .....when this bill passes it will outlaw the freedom to grow food for yourself will outlaw possession of any raw food sorce that hasnt been processed by the fascist food suppliers the possession of seeds will be a prison sentense crime ...
no gov though out history has ever done such a discusting thing against humanity ever.....this is all done for the federal reserve scum which runs our country and all the corporations they own it all
this is totaly declairing war against the real america the people
there doing this in secret today maybe was ok to mess with money that is whorthless to begine with but food ....this is just scum taking food away from the people .....
no gov though out history has ever done such a discusting thing against humanity ever.....this is all done for the federal reserve scum which runs our country and all the corporations they own it all
this is totaly declairing war against the real america the people
there doing this in secret today maybe was ok to mess with money that is whorthless to begine with but food ....this is just scum taking food away from the people .....