c5 ignition system

Classic Goldwings

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[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=94575#p94575:2yi4owzn said:
mcgovern61 » Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:47 pm[/url]":2yi4owzn]
I recommend using NEW resistor sparkplug caps (NGK style).

Paul, why do you recommend the resistor plug caps? (Just for radio interference?)

I ask because I currently do not use the resistor caps.
I've had long talks with Paul about this.
It comes down to 2 resistors are required, one is provided by the supplied plug wires, the other can be resistor caps or resistor plugs. 3 resistors does not hurt but there must be at least 2.

It is to minimize EMI interference.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=94584#p94584:342g2xbc said:
wilcoy02 » Sun Sep 01, 2013 9:24 pm[/url]":342g2xbc]
Why are there plugs on both ends of the wires? Does one end get tossed? Suggesteed to use nkg spark plug caps.
This is how I get easily confused.

What is EMI?

We purchase the leads "pre-made" with the ends already molded on. The Goldwings use the threaded straight caps, but remember, many other motorcycles do not use them.
On the GL1000/1100 you route the wires, then trim to fit and screw on the NGK caps.

When installing on Harleys, British bikes, and Kawasaki twins for example, we cut the plug wire in half and use the molded end for the plug cap, and crimp on a new end for the coils.
On cars, we use the entire plug wire as it sits.

To explain EMI i will quote Wikipedia:

Electromagnetic interference (or EMI, also called radio-frequency interference or RFI when in radio frequency) is disturbance that affects an electrical circuit due to either electromagnetic induction or electromagnetic radiation emitted from an external source.[1] The disturbance may interrupt, obstruct, or otherwise degrade or limit the effective performance of the circuit.

In other words, it is potentially bad interference that can cause failures.
Today I worked on the visual guide for the GL1100. Dan is helping us fill in the blanks so i've got the best photos available.

We are excited to be introducing this new kit "live" in a way, since you all have the privilege of seeing it unfold before your eyes.

Trust me when i say that no other forum has access to insider information with us except Classic Goldwings.

One fear i have is that it can produce anxiety about the small details, and you have to trust that in the end, it will be a wonderful kit to have, with a fantastic installation guide "fine tuned" using Dan's years of experience and great photographer skills. No other ignition company provides this, which is why I insist on spending the effort to get it right.

For those of you who do not enjoy these types of projects (Wes, can i pick on you for a second?) we are growing our dealer network and hopefully one day there will be local experts to bring your bike to, or at least you can stop and see them with questions. Until then, i promise to answer all questions and help in any way possible.

We have dealers in Florida, Texas, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Washington, Norway, and we are working on New England, California, and Great Britain right now.
Yes you can pick on me all you want.
It is not that I do not enjoy these new and wonderful things--because I do. It is the Idea in my head that I have no idea what I am doing. The alternator conversion was such a project. I am intimdated by the unkown by me. I am thrilled by being one of the first or really second to do this on a gl1100.

Will this help eliminate radio buzz on the clarion radios with this??
I believe so but someone might want to verify. There is EMI and RFI....

Electromagnetic interference, EMI, is any undesirable electromagnetic emission or any electrical or electronic disturbance, man-made or natural, which causes an undesirable response, malfunctioning or degradation in the performance of electrical equipment.

Radio frequency interference, RFI, is any undesirable electrical energy with content within the frequency range dedicated to radio frequency transmission. Conducted RFI is most often found in the low frequency range of several kHz to 30MHz. Radiated RFI is most often found in the frequency range from 30MHz to 10GHz.

Interesting to read but over my head! Where are the electronic geeks lurking in the shadows? LOL
Great improvement and I am sure that the C5 is one of the main reasons for the success of Joes single carby instal on Hooch
yes when the ignition is spot on its and off the table and plenty of compression...... it really narrowed the focas down to carb......when systems are interdependent like the cv carbs to motor though vacume and the ignition to vacume along with mechanical advance .....there built in lag time in its operation ...and there slow ... in oldwing case this triple dependence system makes most oldwings of today run like crap ... in 1100s this is usally all started from weak and very inaccurate ignition ... and from there leads to all kinds of problems like a huge web of interconnected problems .....sheesh we all know

putting a c5 iggy in a oldwing is like purchasing a brand new experience and bike and not a bad price to get completely different bike ... so that other things can be fixed right .....in a completely dependable package

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