California voters need to sign the petition.

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May 25, 2013
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Ardmore Ok.
I signed and anyone that wants to keep the California government from further taxing our fuel should sign the petition, already over 4 bucks and nearing 5 a gallon it will be over 5 and approaching 6 if these regulations go into effect.
This isn't chicken little here..its the real deal...must be a california voter, use the take action button.
Pretty soon California fuel taxes will be like it is another state in Oz!!
You guys are boned. Do they think Hollywood and the unemployed tree-hugging vegan crowd are going to be able to support the welfare state when people that need to work for a living move out of state? This is the result of people believing the Democrats and voting for them are good things.

Voters everywhere need to practice term limits and just quit voting for those in office. Change isn't always good but neither is more of the same.
Omega Man":2wzd306f said:
You guys are boned. Do they think Hollywood and the unemployed tree-hugging vegan crowd are going to be able to support the welfare state when people that need to work for a living move out of state? This is the result of people believing the Democrats and voting for them are good things.

Boned indeed..just trying to survive a little while longer..I just have no other place I can call home, born in Fontana and lived most of my life here, family in Texas would be like sleeping on some one couch, good for awhile but not home.
I would miss Ca.but there comes a limit to what I can deal with.
Now there want to install toll lanes on every freeway and bicycle/bus lanes where one lane used to be...lord help us all.
I wonder how these legislators expect people to get to work? California's public transit can't provide services for all these commuters. Would people really stand for 6-8 hour commutes to and from work every day, because that is what would happen. Then there is the trucking industry, how would goods get from point A to point B?

It's got to be about fines... in the billions. Fines that would cause prices on everything to skyrocket across the country. Fines that the poor supported by the state would not have to pay. The more one thinks about it the scarier it gets.

This state is a liberal test bed , I would say we are run by democrats but these are not even that, this is far left of the democrat party , we have a house full of insane self serving socialist running this state.
Many of the people that really cared gave up and left the state years ago so there are less and less of us , the apathy and corruption that exists in this state is what is allowing it to be used by these socialist to further their social experiment, lack of reporting by news organizations allow it to go unchallenged , but if they do report it they say just what the sources tell them"It will be great".
After all the years here I cannot believe what is happening and even harder to believe no one is stopping it , not even the people are standing up in any great numbers , we sit there in traffic all day,destroy our cars on their crappy roads, pay our 4 dollar a gallon for gas,pay a tidy sum for tags , nothing left here that doesn't cost too much.

Thank you fellow Californians for signing the petition, I really believe this will be successful.
[url= said:
ianstaley » Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:42 pm[/url]":18gv7lej]
gimmi a zip code for CA and I'll sign it. Diesel here in the uk is now £1.6 per Litre £1.20 per Lt for petrol 4 litres to a US gallon so that is $7.50 a gallon.
Always when I read about US fuel prices ( except Cali) I feel like we are getting raped here in Oz until you posted UK prices Ian. $1.28 aud diesel and $1.20 aud for 91 ethanol which with discounting means that we can get that down to $1.20 and $1.16 atm. I prefer 95 in the bikes, mowers etc which is about $1.30 per litre.
Actual pump details after filling the Rats Nest at the end of today's ride