California voters need to sign the petition.

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
Omega Man » Sun Aug 16, 2015 4:00 am[/url]":t7w71vx7]
$22 to fill a Wing. :crying: Not cool!

It's really only 16 and a quarter in your money atm Randy and that is for 95 octane :doh:
Try my Touareg 100 litres at £1.078 I paid today per L so a full tank costs £107.80 or in US $168.65 and AUS, $228.60 Diesel of course. And it sucks Like a Peterbuilt. :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: When I accelerate i can get the consumption down to 4.2 to the gallon!!!!! average is on a run down the motorway at 70Mph about 26MPG. Which isn't bad if you consider it is 5Litres or 305 Cubes weighs in at 2.7 tons wet.

So when you get 40MPG on the GL1000 you must be FAT buggers, GL 350 Kg plus one of you Fat guys on it another 90 kilos no wonder you only get 40.... :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
[url= said:
Omega Man » Sun Aug 16, 2015 7:07 am[/url]":x8v14hb1]
Tony is pleasantly plump. .. not fat. :?
I don't know about " pleasantly"! :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
Bill has been defeated :clapping: Gerry Brown says he will do all he can to enact everything anyways by special order and using the California air resources board to do his bidding.
CARB or California air resources board is not accountable to anyone but the Governor is.
Now we have a 65 dollar registration fee that they want to add to your taxes, on top of whatever your paying now, It is still in debate.
California has a 10 billion dollar highway budget and they used 2 billion on the roads..they don't need it, they need to use the money they have to fix the roads, they are disguising this as needed to fix the roads but it is another attempt to raise your taxes by crying about road conditions THEY! created.
Recently they found 1350 engineers and employees earning 100K plus salaries doing nothing sitting at home and playing about getting paid because we have no projects no work going on but they are still being paid :rant:
Years earlier they used schools and the children to cry for taxes but now with most having put there kids into private schools and the obvious state of public schools they needed another hook to use. Look for new fees and fuel taxes for the highway and yet nothing will be fixed...Business as usual in Sacramento.
Let you know if any petitions come up.
It`s a shell game they are playing, they are trying to hide how they miss allocated billions and wont fess up to it, instead they want rob peter to pay paul...Good ol Jerry claimed a year into his governorship we had balanced the budget and had a surplus..all bull i`m sure.
It`s a real battle, and they know most are too busy to pay attention gotta get the kids to school,spend an hour getting to work 8-10 hours working and another hour with traffic on the way home then take care of the home front on weekends.
Not to mention all the tens of thousands fighters we lost that just gave up and left the state.
[url= said:
toytender01 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:02 pm[/url]":2u5xv1x9]
I signed, for all that did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: not
Thanks, It really does help...The 65 dollar road tax added to your registration has also been defeated :clapping:
Now if we could only get them to use the taxes they already collect for the projects they collected them for.
The people have spoken..Congrats California, there may be hope.
[url= said:
zman » Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:46 am[/url]":31pbmjlq]
[url= said:
toytender01 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:02 pm[/url]":31pbmjlq]
I signed, for all that did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: not
Thanks, It really does help...The 65 dollar road tax added to your registration has also been defeated :clapping:
Now if we could only get them to use the taxes they already collect for the projects they collected them for.
The people have spoken..Congrats California, there may be hope.

now thats funny... :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
I think some may have heard from CARB (California air resources board)..They passed measures to reduce dependency on oil and use more bio fuels(corn) and more electric and other fuel alternatives, not as restrictive as JB`s proposition but they claim we will pay about 22 dollars more per year by 2017 and 55 dollars by 2020, I think if they gave the real increases they would have had a riot so they soft pedaled it.
Get ready for more corn in your fuels and different mixes that will be even more expensive and will run low from time to time.
But they keep saying the rest of the country will follow..somehow I doubt it.
I am done with Ca. Will be moving in the middle of 2016 leaving for OK then maybe TX if OK doesn't work out, I have relatives in both states so wont be alone.
It`s gonna be So Sweet to say goodbye.