can I rant?

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
Milton Florida
ok usualy Im not one to complain but I gotta get this off my chest.... in the middle of getting a good start on my wing I get this VT1100 in from a friend of my wife... something or other, highschool friends hubby.... whatever
ok he wants alot of stuff done and it is clear he has NO idea what he's doing. I figure well ok if I do this I can make a couple of bucks to buy parts for the wing, so I roll one project bike out and stick it on my back patio. I squeeze the wing over one way in the garage and the Seca over the other and bring this rigged up thing in. I lay into it as he asked...."find everything wrong with it, I want this bike to be 100%" yeah...famous last words. under the mustang seat, chrome add ons and a serious string of neat little LED things I find a tangled mess of neglect and woe. So now I'm good and into it and what? now he dont want to spend no money? stator fried from cell phone and gps chargers, starter brushes cooked from cranking down cause the stator wasnt charging....cause of the electro circus going on. battery shot..we wont even get into the hose, lines and cables. by the way..22 rolls of electrical tape is not any kind of preferred method.
so after a real carb job (the right way) he wants me to forget about "go through everything" and now its just "when can I get it back?" huh? what part of "I have a day job and this is a weekend thing" did you forget man? duh... the bike is in PIECES you we discussed before hand. now he wants to do yard work and stuff to trade for labor????? REALLY????? man I"m gonna finish putting this thing back together and at 4:30 tomorrow that thing is OUTTA HERE. Now I wonder if If I'll get back the money I spent on the carb kits.
I shoud have just kept working on the wing
Well there it is----rant over
yeah it's cool. project goldwing resumes tomorrow and I wont even say nothing ugly.
on a happy note I got my valve cover donuts in today, and she is cleaning up real nice. Hope to get the timing belts and valve adjustments done this weekend.
looking at tires and a member here has a master cylinder for me...yay!
this is a great site.
Yep you gotta to love your wifes friends, once my wife's friend brought her and her three little kid's to stay for one night, it turned into a week, these kids where a mess, they ran a round the apartment naked and I just had it it man, I told the wife she had to go man, I don't care if she left her husband get her the hell out before we get booted out of our nice apartment..
Friends and family, gotta be careful.
I don't know why we hurt the ones we love.

here's MY rant........

My brother is a sign painter, times were tough but he needed a shop so I offered my garage.
I had a separate phone line installed, he moved over his tables and cutters.

All I asked for was $100 per month to cover electricity and water and they pay the phone bill on time, which was in my name.

We went along for 2-3 months and everything seemed fine until my wife told me they were late paying the phone last month.
Talked to them both and explained the rules again.
Couple months go by (I'm watching that they pay what agreed on time now) and phone payment is late.
I call their home.
Kids home alone.
Oldest says they went to Vegas on a group bus trip thing


Needless to say I was PISSED so as soon as they got home I shut them down no notice, get your stuff out.
That's the last time I've help any family, sad.
I have many such stories and all are pretty long. We very rarely ever allow visitors anymore. I went so far as to post no trespassing signs all over.
Good luck skw! I bet we all have some stories about da Wife's family. I'm choosing not to go there. :sensored:

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