Caught on tape

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Duncanville, Texas
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1981 GL1100 Innerstate("The Turd")SOLD!!, 1996 GL1500 Innerstate
This is really sad...see how easy it is for someone to steal your car?
This putz made off with the gals car, purse, keys, EVERYTHING, and never even touches her.
I question how many women would actually stop to look, instead of just driving off like nothing was happening....

Nah, news is for entertainment. Only stuff you see on the innernet is real :smilie_happy:

If it is real that's really messed up. What's a girl to do?

btw, what was that he put on the back that made her get out and look, some cans?

Oh wait, I watched it a couple times.
If those were cans and the noise cans would make were suppose to have made her get out and look, I don't buy it.
Her windows were closed so I doubt she would have heard the cans after moving just a couple feet. Set up.
I thought the same thing...looks kinda set-up. A friend of mine sent it to me, but didn't say where he got it. I think what it is, is a TV news "Warning" about something that was actually happening, and they were just giving women a warning about it. I think they prolly set up a camera, and the people, just to show how it could happen. I doubt very seriously that the noise the cans would make would have made anyone stop that quick to get out and look...especially a female(no offense, ladies). She didn't move the car more than a foot before stopping...I just don't believe it. I believe I would have come home and had to ask Mama why the hell she was draggin cans around behind her car?
Here's how that would go...
"Why are there cans tied on to the back of your car?"
"What cans?"
"There's a whole string of cans tied onto the rear of your car"
"I don't know"
"You didn't hear anything while you were driving?!"
"Well...yeah...but I just figured the car was fallin apart..."

:smilie_happy: :mrgreen: :smilie_happy:

Anyway...the vid may be "produced,'s something that could happen. Then again, it may be a "training" film for low-lifes....
AApple":179d8o3f said:
Here's how that would go...
"Why are there cans tied on to the back of your car?"
"What cans?"
"There's a whole string of cans tied onto the rear of your car"
"I don't know"
"You didn't hear anything while you were driving?!"
"Well...yeah...but I just figured the car was fallin apart..."
Gotta laugh! When my oldest daughter was 18, she had a '96 Ford Escort 2 dr and she pulled into our driveway with no left front tire! I looked and said "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR TIRE?!! WHY ARE YOU DRIVING ON THE RIM?!!!" And she said she didn't know anything was wrong????? I asked her if she noticed that the car was pulling to the left and she said "Oh, thats been happening all night!!" What about that noise in the front from driving on the rim? She just turned up the radio! :doh:
Sorry ladies.

When I met my wife her Dodge Colt was handling strange.
One time (cough) driving home from her house one morning I was in mine following her and noticed it was crabbing something aweful.
Later that day I checked her car out a bit and found all 4 tires were almost bald!
She said "Oh I just bought new ones!" (huh?) She told me she had a bunch of work done it so I looked at the receipt which included an alignment just a month or 2 before.
Not having any idea what the heck was going on at that point I just bought her new tires and had it aligned at a different shop.
Brakes were down to metal too so I did the brakes and left it at that.

I didn't find out til a long time after that her and some friends went out partying. As they were going home she didn't notice the island in the middle and drove straight up and over :Doh2:
mcgovern61":1yd0emtf said:
Gotta laugh! When my oldest daughter was 18, she had a '96 Ford Escort 2 dr and she pulled into our driveway with no left front tire! I looked and said "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR TIRE?!! WHY ARE YOU DRIVING ON THE RIM?!!!" And she said she didn't know anything was wrong????? I asked her if she noticed that the car was pulling to the left and she said "Oh, thats been happening all night!!" What about that noise in the front from driving on the rim? She just turned up the radio! :doh:
:smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: You gotta be kidding me... :hihihi:
God bless her she is married with two kids now and pays closer attention. She blew out the tire because it had a slow leak and she drove on it till the rubber shredded. Since it was an older 2 door coupe, she sat pretty low to the ground which is the only reason I can figure that she didn't notice the left front part of the car was lower than the rest of the car. As far as noise, she just expected it from an old car and didn't pay attention!
mcgovern61":y97umyuu said:
God bless her she is married with two kids now and pays closer attention. She blew out the tire because it had a slow leak and she drove on it till the rubber shredded. Since it was an older 2 door coupe, she sat pretty low to the ground which is the only reason I can figure that she didn't notice the left front part of the car was lower than the rest of the car. As far as noise, she just expected it from an old car and didn't pay attention!
:smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: She's not a blonde by any chance is she? :salute: :lol:
BigAndrew":3ctpbnjp said:
mcgovern61":3ctpbnjp said:
God bless her she is married with two kids now and pays closer attention. She blew out the tire because it had a slow leak and she drove on it till the rubber shredded. Since it was an older 2 door coupe, she sat pretty low to the ground which is the only reason I can figure that she didn't notice the left front part of the car was lower than the rest of the car. As far as noise, she just expected it from an old car and didn't pay attention!
:smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: She's not a blonde by any chance is she? :salute: :lol:
No, she is brunette. :yes:

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