I''l have to get in on the next order....piddled around and missed it this time. Story o me life. :fiddle:
Dan...can we also send you a MO, or do we have to use the Pay Pal deal? Mama's kinda watchin the Pay Pal CC since I ordered some stuff for HER Corvette a while back, without tellin her. oh2:
Wow !!! :good: Just got my shirt out of the mail box and it was everything I hoped it would be. Great looking and made in USA. Thanks out to everyone involved in making this possible. I just might have to order another one. :mrgreen: We be styling and profiling now. :moped: :ahem:
Just wanted to let everyone that recently ordered a shirt know that the company seems to be pretty busy and backed up on work so there has been some delay but I've been told they will get them sent out just as soon as possible.