You don't have to remove the clutch cover to make that. adjustment. You remove a small access cap which is located in the center of the clutch plate cover with a box end wrench. This exposes the lock nut and screw. you can't see them because you can't look directly at the hole, but you can slip a small socket on the nut and loosen fairly easily. You then have to get a small screw driver on there and back off the screw. My manual said to turn the screw clockwise till resistance is felt and then back it off half a turn. After you. have set the screw tighten the lock nut. It's not as bad as it sounds. I did this to mine and it set up the way the. clutch engages so it was better but it did not do much with my cable length. For that
there is some adjustment possible at the engine
end of the cable.