Clutch Basket Special Socket

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Dec 3, 2009
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Duncanville, Texas
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I know this has been addressed here somewhere, but I cannot find the info I am looking for. Does anyone have the measurements for the special socket needed to remove the nut that holds the clutch basket onto the shaft? I know what it looks like, but I need the actual measurements. I have a socket that I THINK will work, but without knowing the measurements, I can't tell. I need to know how far it is from one tang across to the opposite tang, if that makes any sense....
I know some of ya'll have made your own sockets, so you should have pics somewhere, right? ;)

Oh...and, are the tangs round or square? It's hard to tell from the pics in the service manual. If they are round, what is the diameter? :read:
Not really... :(
The socket I have has the four tabs on it, but I need to know how far it is between the tabs, cross-ways, as in my diagram above. The socket I have measures 1 3/8" for the blue(inside) measure, and 1 5/8" for the red(outside) measure. You said you used a 1 1/8" socket to make your tool, but that doesn't give me what I'm looking for... :beg:
I've never had the Honda tool so I can't answer your question exactly and I still haven't figured out who "borrowed" my homemade
but I could measure a clutch nut, might help.
Oh come to think of it didn't mcgovern just buy a Honda socket?
I wuz gonna suggest that if someone had a nut laying around, measuring that might werk, too.
I don't need a clutch nut socket right now, but I just happened to think about it yesterday while looking at the one I have, since it has the four tabs sticking out on it. It's actually for taking the rear yoke nut off of the older Mercedes transmissions. I rarely see those trannys anymore. This dang socket cost me around $80 waaaay back sure would be sweet if it would work, or could be modified easily to work on the clutch nut. I actually hope I never need to use it! :beg: :smilie_happy:
I bought a 24mm clutch nut removal tool, but it does not fit the 1100, it was made for the GL1000 and it was too small. The inside diameter was too small and I could not fit the tangs into the square holes.

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