Cooling Fan on temp

Classic Goldwings

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New Winger

Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hutchinson, MN
Hello Everyone,

My 86 Interstate's cooling fan comes on very quickly, even sometimes right away when I start it up, if the outside temp is over 80 degrees. I've had liquid cooled engines before and their fans didn't kick in so early. Is this typical for this bike or is there something that I should be looking at. The temp gauge never goes above 1/3 and the coolant level is just above the low level mark when running and warm.

Thanks for the help!

Mike M.
1986 Interstate
i find after everything said it sounds all positive ....if faan comes on early thats good ...maybe previous owner did a thermostat change to lower on temp....with temp reading you have and coolant consistancy it seems the evidence is there to say its all working great ....seems great spot to me

1200s actually have smaller radiator than 1100s or 1000s so this is great out come to me ...
Coming on right away after starting it suggests to me maybe there is a shorting of the fan control circuit, because coming on at 80-90 degrees is way too soon, like over 100 degrees too soon.
Welcome to the fun. Yes it is coming on way early. It's not really a problem though. Better it be always on than not come on at all. Look for a switch that seems added. Maybe a previous owner added a fan switch.
Thanks for the replies, everyone. I should add that it doesn't always come on right away. It only does that when it's very warm outside. However, I can drive less than a mile to work when it's 60 degrees outside and the fan is on by the time I get there. That part seems odd to me as well. I do agree that I'd rather have it coming on too soon than too late, this seems excessive though.

Thanks again.
Coming on at that low of a temperature it is either a faulty switch or an adjustable thermo switch that is set too low :yes:
[url= said:
New Winger » 4 minutes ago[/url]":3jtcelfx]
I'm not at home with my manual, but is there a thermo switch that I can adjust myself?
The stock switch isn't adjustable. It would have to be something that was changed or added.
[url= said:
New Winger » Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:22 am[/url]":1q5jrpfc]
I'm not at home with my manual, but is there a thermo switch that I can adjust myself?
You really cant adjust them, some have used car types that come on later then half mark on meter, I`m sure there are some that come on earlier to find a stock one.
Check and see what you have forst, still might have a short to ground turning it on.
[url= said:
dan filipi » Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:27 am[/url]":316mhoyl]
[url= said:
New Winger » 4 minutes ago[/url]":316mhoyl]
I'm not at home with my manual, but is there a thermo switch that I can adjust myself?
The stock switch isn't adjustable. It would have to be something that was changed or added.

Davies Craig make a switch that looks like a fridge thermostat that slips a Bowden tube ( capillary ) into the coolant by running inside the radiator hose and neck which is adjustable.
Similar to this one is what I was using before I replaced the stock one..

[url= said:
dan filipi » Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:58 am[/url]":3oj3p7ya]
Similar to this one is what I was using before I replaced the stock one..


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