Credit card scam- Public service announcement ;)

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dan filipi

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Dec 3, 2009
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Van Nuys Ca.
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We charged a purchase at Target yesterday.
When we got home there was a voice mail message of a possible unauthorized charge.

I called the 800 number on the message which was a free 2 night cruise to the Bahamas, all I had to pay was $61 port fee per person.
Well I declined that offer then it repeated the offer. Again I declined then blank space with no other options to talk with an operator.

I hung up then called the number on the credit card.
I told the guy the same story. He said ALWAYS call the support phone number that's on the credit card. There are many scams.

Hopefully this info helps at least one person avoid being burned!
Never mind the Cruises - its the Penis Enlargers that bug me HOW DO THEY KNOW THESE THINGS :sensored:
My wife and I learned a lesson several years ago about credit cards, We didn't know they could do this, fella's now please be aware of this, all I'm trying to do is help out the next fool..that's all...I used my credit card at the gas station down the road to fill up the truck, well I hit the debit button [big mistake] then of course it asked for the pin number, so I enter it and get my gas and go away..Later on like the next day I was scanning our bank statment online and I noticed a $100.00 charge from that store, I said to myself, WTF man, so I go down to the store with a printed copy of the charge and they tell me, sir, we do that to make sure we get our money for the gas, once the money goes thru you will get reinburst..I couldn't believe it... Then after discussing this with neighbors I learned that resturants are doing the same kinda BS, they hold so much money until the amount clears..My question is this, so what if a guy is on his last $100 and has a really tight budget..Bouncy bounce, no funds...Use cash if you can.. Don't use your debit pin number anywhere ..Key it in as credit only..
True dat....fuel stations around here will usually get authorization for $1, just to turn the pump on, but if you check your bank transactions at the same time, you'll see $100 charge. BTDT. It looks funky, but it seems to be on the up and up, according to our bank. We spent a couple of days once getting them to 'splain that one to us, but they assured us, we were NOT actually being charged was simply a digital authorization. And yes, NEVER key in your PIN for debit at the stations...always run it as a credit. Once they get your debit PIN, they can clean you out. For credit, they need way more info to use it.
Never had the call about a bad charge, only to discover we had a vacation waiting...if we paid for it! the number on the card...
i use both throw in thr fire ...i never use any bank scam crap that these antichrist federal reserve antiamerican people bank comes up with ...i never deal with the worst people on earth ever.....nope not me :cheeky: :Doh2: :whip: :rant: :ahem:
I do enjoy the online banking program, I can see where the funds are and shift things around from saving to checking ect. I think knowing and understand the system is key, things to watch out for is also key, so yes we learned a lesson when it come's to using the pin number, it's not wise.. Oh check this out, I'm withdrawing some cash from the ATM and I hit all the buttons it asked me too and then it says transaction can not be completed, hummm then it asked do you wish another transaction, I said yes, so what does it do... it closes out and gives me a receipt for the amount in our account, so now I need to start over and they are going to charge me another 3 dollar fee for using their stupid machine, whata rip off man..If I didn't need the money right there and then I would have waited until the next day to go to the teller..
The way it was described to me is, the station (here they hold $150) pre- authorises the transaction and when the transaction closes the hold drops off - some stations it is instant and others it takes half a day -

It works the same way with meals, (least it did when I had a restaurant) the waitress pre-authorises the card and closes it when she see's how much the tip was.

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