BigDub":3usu98ok said:
The way i figure it is if you get in a bike accident, how much damage will you realistically do to another vehicle or person? Usually in bike wrecks, it's common to have one dead rider..... the bike rider. People get stuck thinking it SHOULD cost about the same as a car policy? Car vs. motorcycle policy comparison is an apple to an orange!
actually, you can do quite a bit of damage to another person, and it doesn't take much to have a lot of liability. And if you are dead, your estate is still liable (which if you have a spouse....). I have a friend who went down in a mc accident (not his fault), helicopter lifted out, 5 or 6 surgeries (I lost count) on his leg, lost his job because he could not work, months of recovery.... IF his going down was caused by one of the other bikes in our group (it was not) even a high liability policy would have been exhausted long before he recovered