Dyna Beads

Classic Goldwings

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Winger 82

Well-known member
Dec 11, 2009
Reaction score
Sorry this is not bike related

:cool!: Have heard alot about these and was wondering if anyone has experimented with other types of beads :?: Have heard of guys using BB'S, ceramic craft beads, etc. any body tried any of these and if so how much do you use :?: I've got tires on my car that just wont balance very well, (think the shop did something to the wheels or put someone elses on my car, she did not shake one I oda before they put new tires on it , but you know how trying to prove that to them works) and don't really have the extra cash to try new rims, have had a different set of tires put on them and still thump thump down the road. :Awe: :Awe:
Thanks Winger 82
Have the rims checked on a balancer for being warped/bent. Most tire shops will put them on the balancer to check for out-of-round/bent before balancing, but that don't mean they'll tell you if there's one(or more) warped.... :sensored:
Depending on what kind of car it is, and the year model, simply over-tightening the lug nuts can warp the brake rotors/hubs enough to cause a balance/vibration problem, especially with later model cars/trucks.
Also, depending on how they raised the car up to change the tires, they may have bent a suspension component that could cause it.... :Awe:

There was a thread here BC(Before Crash) discussing the use of DynaBeads...if I remember correctly, one of the CGW members were using them with good results.
Motorcycles have tires so your subject IS bike related.

I've used the Dyna beads in the front tire and they did seem to help reduce some of the "shake" you feel in the bars when going down the road.
Not too long after I replaced the tire with an E3 which made a world of difference.
I've never used the beads in car tires so I cant say.

A trusted tire guy told me long ago,
"even a square tire can be balanced so ya gotta make sure the tires are round and the wheel isnt bent"

If you feel it in the steering wheel, it's one of the front tires.
If you feel it in the seat, it's one of the rear.
another forum these were mentioned (NAGF) and I asked if they would recommend them and all answered they would and use them next tire change also...
I've talked to others you have the beads and they say they work great !!! and they really loved the way they work ... If you check the web to find dyna beads they have a dealers all over that handle them just use the locator to find where they are near you . some auto motive shops have them, and parts houses.I plan on using them in my tires when I change them next .
:cool!: Thanks for all the reply's guys,
Have located a couple of dealers within 50 miles of here, one is only 30 miles in Erie, Pa..
Winger 82 :good:
The lower estimate isn't always the best investment.

I'd make them warrenty the tires, or explain to a level of your understanding why they can't.

Dyna Beads


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