
Classic Goldwings

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No. Ballast is a resistor inline to the coils. Start button bypasses it but when button is released power to coils goes through the ballast.
After sleeping on this problem, I realize I didnt check the fire at both coils.
I work for myself, air conditioning. So I am tired at the end of the day and do not really want tom fool with the bike. I just want to ride it. Relax and ward off the stress.
I have owned over 30 motorcycles. My last dead on reliable bike was a Victory Vegas. Before that I was a Yamaha Roadstar. A long stream of small and large bikes. Some I have owned for a few weeks like an 1985 VT500 Ascot recently. Others for years. More of a hobby thing getting to ride allot of differant machines.
I'll keep plugging along, and thx for the input. It helps and it's fun.
Went to the Honda dealer to buy a new condenser. None in stock and the price is $30, no thnax. Unbelievable, ordered one on Ebay for $13 delivered. :cool:
Well, installed a new condenser today. She wants to start but wont. I have fire at both coils. Battery is fully charged.
I tried to statically time the ignition. I must have missed something. The plugs look new. t was running and idling good before I started all this.
Can some one please post a picture of you points assembly here for me? I sure could use the help. :cool:
Mike with ignition on and the points closed you should be able to open the contacts (use a plastic knife etc) and see a spark jump the points. If you don't have that we have other problems ( points grounded instead of insulated, faulty ignition circuit, faulty coils etc). Don't leave the ignition on with the points closed for too long. You could also use an incandescent test light to check circuits, in this case I prefer my high current test light ( an old 55w headlight/ spotlight bulb) before you worry about activating the points manually.
I have spark at both points.
I just do not have the plate in the right spot. I might be close. I should have marked the location in case I had to go back to the points. I believe i do not have it timed just right. I have tried moving it back both directions then hit the starter button. if I could get it close I can to start then I can fine tune it.
She wants to go for a ride but my ignorance is preventing it.
I appreciate the help guys.:cool:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=99654#p99654:2ieqmbq7 said:
Mike Smith » Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:43 pm[/url]":2ieqmbq7]
I have spark at both points.
I just do not have the plate in the right spot. I might be close. I should have marked the location in case I had to go back to the points. I believe i do not have it timed just right. I have tried moving it back both directions then hit the starter button. if I could get it close I can to start then I can fine tune it.
She wants to go for a ride but my ignorance is preventing it.
I appreciate the help guys.:cool:

If you just want to statically time points, simply remove the small timing inspection cover on the back of the engine and find timing mark for #1 cylinder, then use a test light on the power lead going to the points to verify the light turns on and off at the correct moment.

Use our installation guide if needed. The points should just begin to OPEN (turning off your coil) as the timing mark passes the indicator (as shown in the photos). If you place the tip of your test light onto points that control the coil for cylinder #1, you should be able to tell the exact moment your coil fires. I tried to keep this simple...hopefully I was successful.
I found a beautiful step by step guide to setting the timing with beautiful photos using a 12v bulb and it's connections on another Goldwing site. It's NGWclub.com Naked Gold Wing club.
I did find that I was supposed to connect the two wires together that were attached to the ceramic resistor. Didn't see that in the Dynatek instructions. I connected them together and still no start. It's almost 1 Pm so after coffee tomorrow morning I'm going to time the thing right this time. I'll let you guys know if I get it running.
What caused all this mess was when riding on the freeway and coming up on a hill or even an overpass the engine would not accelerate, nothing. i would try down shifting but the power was just flat. It would momentarily try to go but I thought it had a weak coil or bad condenser. So I opted for the Dynatek magnetic pickup and the new coils.
I pretty much thought it would be a slam dunk job. In retrospect I should have installed the coils and started the bike and given it a test drive. Then install the magnetic pickup. The problem is I come home from working all day and too tired to think it thru. 58 years old and still learning the hard way. :cool:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=99657#p99657:2qp2ysm4 said:
C5Performance » Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:49 pm[/url]":2qp2ysm4]

Sorry it's dark. I don't know that this will help you but I hope so!
POINTS GL1000.jpg
Maybe. Will check after I get the timing perfect.
It ran started easily before I pulled the point plate and the stock coils. I'll get there. She will run again. :cool:
ok I read this whole thread ...you must be getting spark and the problem is a gas one im thinking ....the whole idea it tried to start tell me there fire ... im assuming the light worked too when you set the dyna ....could be sticking slides in carbs something ..blocked fuel passages ...and as mention fuel pump .. should check see if that pumping gas right ...bamg around some on those carbs softly to try get things loosen up ...seems you exhausted the spark issue maybe as cause
I'll check that fuel delivery thing today. The bike started and idled fine before I tackled this whole thing.
The mystery continues. I will get around to time the bike today. Keep you guys posted.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=99633#p99633:389gvv1v said:
slabghost » Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:34 pm[/url]":389gvv1v]
If you have sparks and it won't start. Try swapping the points to capacitor leads.

You nailed it. Had them backwards.
Ok guys here's the update. I got her running.
When I put the points back in I put the yellow wire in the right point when I should have put the blue wire on the right point.
Why did I mess that up? The wiring diagram in the owners manual indicates the yellow wire should be on the right.
I had a guy on another goldwing web site send me a picture of his points on his bike. He had a 1978 model. I notice the wire color difference. So I swapped the wires and set the time like his and she fired. So with the help of some starter fluid she fired up. Now she is purring at 1000 rps indicated.
I'm finally going to ride again.

New coils, plug wires, condensor and resistor. No more sluggish throttle. She got spunk again.

My OEM coils were reading 2.1 and 1.3 Ohm's.

happy trails Guys :cool:

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