Long time no see everybody. I'm in trouble again but luckily i'm not on the road. My right hand turn signal light burned out and was causing the 15A fuse to blow everytime i'd forget and use my turn signal. Before I realized it was the light I was following the wiring looking for bare wire grounding out somewhere. During this process I removed the spark plug wires on the right hand side so that I could get a better look. I had the bike back together but forgot to reconnect the spark plug wires. The bike wouldn't start and I heard this clicking noise coming from the right side. I put the wires back and the bike started up but it was bogging down suddenly and would die if I didn't keep it revved above 1000 rpm. Everytime i would go up a gear and give it gas I could here the clicking noise again and it was still bogging down. Please tell me that this is something stupid that I'm just not thinking about. Thanks. :beg: