EMGO Fuel Filters Revisited

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Feb 26, 2012
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Lawnguyland, New Yawk
As I was "chillin' out" this weekend during a little bit of rainy weather I had remembered about the problems the EMGO fuel filters were having in posts on other GoldWing forums all over the"net"....

As I had purchased a full rebuild kit for my 1981 GL1100 from Randakk's when I did the "resurrection" of the bike almost two years ago, I had that "annoying feeling" in the back of my head that I should check the fuel filter... But I never got around to it because I was just so happy the bike was running and I was riding her again!!

I do remember sending Randall an E-mail (which he actually never replied to) about which filters he was using in his rebuild kits.. noting the problems others were experiencing with the EMGO filters.... Now I see he does NOT include fuel filters in his rebuild kits.... Hmmmmm....

Well... I finally got around to changing the fuel filter to the NAPA one and when I removed the one from the Randakk's kit, it WAS an EMGO and although it didn't "rattle" when I shook it, here is what I found after removing the stainless band that holds the sucker together:


Here is the side view:


At least fuel filter related problems can be crossed off my "potential threats" list for now...

Also Advance Auto Parts is having a sale on Mobil 1 V-Twin Motorcycle oil for 8 bucks a quart.... I just loaded up on it and the Fram Spin-on filters (PH-3614) for my filter adapter (also from Randakk's)

Spring is here!!!!

Ride on!!


I got a posting reply on a different message board from Randall Washington (Randakk) responding to my posting about his not replying to my original E-mails to him about the filter he supplied in his total carb rebuild kit I had purchased...

I do understand that he receives a HUGE amount of E-mail from all over the world and he is only one person and tries to answer all of it as he can (imagine trying to reply to 250+ E-mails every night after work....) but I remained a little bit troubled that he waited until February 26, 2012 to post his advisory about no longer including the EMGO filters in his kits... I had sent him E-mails more than 6 months ago asking about the manufacturer of the filter supplied in his kits, but as previously stated never got any reply...

I admit that he had nothing to do with the failures of the EMGO filters and is totally not responsible for any damage they may have caused to our carbs. I know that he strives to find or manufacture himself parts that exceed the OEM specs for our bikes and takes pride in being able to provide high quality kits. It just took a little too long to post the advisory on his site.

I for one will continue to use and recommend Randakk's for anyone who needs great products at great prices for our beloved machines....


As I mentioned on the other board, I receive and answer 250+ emails per day. I don't recall ever seeing yours.

Please re-read this information:


It contains the ENTIRE story on the matter from my point of view.

I disagree vigorously with your comment: "It just took a little too long to post the advisory on his site."


I apologize for any postings or remarks I may have made here or on other forums about the E-mails I sent, or any comments you have disagreed vigorously with.

I also want to again say how you are a true professional, a wealth of information and supplies/parts for our Goldwings regarding keeping them on the road and running right. If not for you many of us (me included) would have sent our beloved rides off to the great beyond.

how true its a great site he has ...even for us who are very intune with the oldwings as he is ...i didnt see you said anything wrong at all Rich .....i think speaking freely is freedom ...any soft shoe tread lightly i dont go for at all ...thats plain senorship and is never justified ever ...thick skin people are my favorite people ...not the offended thin skin people ...im not saying anything here just my opinion you said nothing wrong ...randall said it himself i get to many e-mails ....im sure he dose ...its the filter that was the problem to begin with ...not you or him
Well anyway I'm glad this post was bumped as a reminder for everyone to check their fuel filter.
That thing goes bad it could mean carbs have to come off for cleaning.
And you know what that means, NO RIDING.
n2ppn":2i5ucib8 said:

I apologize for any postings or remarks I may have made here or on other forums about the E-mails I sent, or any comments you have disagreed vigorously with.

I also want to again say how you are a true professional, a wealth of information and supplies/parts for our Goldwings regarding keeping them on the road and running right. If not for you many of us (me included) would have sent our beloved rides off to the great beyond.


No offense taken. Thanks.

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