Are the 1000 and 1100 engine cases identical (except for the piston bore size)? I see that the stroke is the same. If so, could the 1000 case be bored out to use 1100 standard size pistons? Just wonderin'...
If I remember right, there is a 5mm difference in the bore between the two engines. Maximum overbore is 1mm, so I would be concerned about cylinder wall thickness. I also believe, but am not positive about the addition of the primary chain tensioner might make a difference in the cases.
its been done i think ..there is a bunch of bad posting about outcome ... as cool as i keep the oldwing motors ..i wouldnt loose to much sleep switching pistons....ive never look into it yet who knows if the math adds up as same to hook up to rods
maybe a better option would be to hone or bore the cylinders to the size needed to get them round and properly surfaced. Then have the 1100 pistons sized to fit?
If possible to fit the 1100 pistons that way you could end with a like new 1050 cc motor or close to it. Upgrading to the newer primary chain and the gearing desired could make it very nice power source for many happy miles.
Weisco told me a few years ago they will take a rod, piston, with rings, & pressed wrist pins. You get FORGED pistons, rings, wrist pins, & clips, so you can easily remove pins without pressing them. Must order at least a dozen, will make at least two if not three different diameters. Think they were about $350- $400 each, X 12 = WAY too much cash even with two others to buy a set. Get cheaper after first dozen.