chilidawg » Today- 8:54[/url]":36fv2edo]
I'm going to need to replace my header pipes as the left side looks like it's been butchered to get past the side stand... I'll attach pics...
Now... You are really lucky you are in America... Coz you don't have to pay a fortune to get something shipped from around the other side of the world... So us lot in the land down under... Where our $ is worth bugger all to your dollar or the english Stirling pound. So we have to research... And if I'm gonna she'll out nearly $200 American... Part is only $40 US but shipping they want like $ in aussie dollars that's gonna cost me close to $300...for used... When I can get a set of delkevic for $450aus shipped to my door.. Brand spankas.. I want to know I'm getting quality... And the way the header plpes sit is important for corner clearance.. What little we already have...
Other than that mate.. I'm not really sure what your post is relevant to?
Mate! it's relevant alright.
It's relevant to whether or not you're building something to show, or something to ride!
As far as I can see in your photo, I've bought much worse, in the past, and it performed wonderfully.
I also like your 3 yellow wire plug, looking all beautiful and standard, you might want to look carefully at it before you start thinking you have alternator problems. If you're gonna run it?
As for being lucky that I live in the US. No. I just had the hard won qualifications and experience required to migrate here.
21 years ago, yesterday!!