Fairing Lowers and Hot air!

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Kingsport, Tennessee
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Former '82 GL1100 "The Slug"
When I was working with my buddy John on his 82' Aspy last week, we had taken his fairing lowers off to sync his carbs and do some other work. I noticed that the heat shield is different than on my standard and it seems set up to blow the hot air from the radiator out the lowers. My Vetter fairing has lowers also, but no vent slots like the real Honda ones. On hot days when the fan comes on and while riding with hot outside temps, my feet get roasted! So for summer, I take them off and ride nice and cool! :ahem:

My question is (and John did not know because he only had his bike a few weeks), does the Honda fairing lowers with the slots keep the heat off your feet (and off you) or was it a wasted effort? (Inquiring minds want to know!) :hihihi:
I can't say for sure how they perform when stock since I have the 2 metal plates that close up the hot space between the lowers and engine but I can say I don't notice all that much heat from the radiator blowing back at me when riding.
My memory could be shot also, haven't riden much this summer in the heat.
Last summer was the last time I rode in 100+.
I've got the factory set up on my 82 1100 I. My feet don't get blasted, my shins do. If the ambient temp is over 90, I can't ride in shorts, I need my long leg pants to protect my legs.
Mine blasts the air out thru the lowers' vents, but I always ride using my hiway pegs. It do get HOT on my legs when stopped at a light tho, and the fan come on. In the winter, or in cold weather I use the floorboards, but that doesn't really seem to throw any heat on my tootsies. I do feel some heat from the vents in the lowers as long as I'm moving.
A co worker has an 83 with Hondaline fairings and louvered lowers and he too complains of the heat.
I think Honda fairing does better job of directing heat away than Vetter (okay I mounted it on XS750 so not a direct comparison). But I can still feel some hot air with Honda fairing. When I rebuilt mine, I found PO's attempt to further reduce hot air. He put aluminum duct tape to close the gaps in the heat shield. I didn't follow this so am not sure how effective it is.

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