im wish I was with them
:good: me too.[url= said:joedrum » Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:15 am[/url]"7re7596]
im wish I was with them
I need to catch up on some work issues then plan our trip for when my wife and daughter arrive on Sunday. Have to follow up on the CBX carbs that are being refurbished by Mike Nixon. Need to make contact with the importer for getting the Rats Nest back to Oz if it is viable. Then there are the photos and videos from this ride that need to be sorted and posted.[url= said:zman » Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:12 am[/url]":nxqrxyxf]
That is one long ride, I`m glad it went well for ya. I know what you`re saying about the road..It gets hard to think of anything else but the next stop then time to rest then hit the road again.
What`s on the agenda now besides a rest?
I will do that as soon as I can Mike. As I went without fixing the speedo cable I can't report on that directly so we will have to approximate from mapping and Kim's info from the Road King. Whatever image I post will be lower than actually travelled because I was always taking the long route (lost?) As I told Dan they are an excellent tire for the price and performed as well and better than you had recommended. They are pretty worn out from the Interstate running with a flat centre from not going around enough corners. I was hard in every aspect on them, weight, acceleration, braking, temperature and hard, hard cornering when available..I can now appreciate Darksiding more if you only travelled interstates and didn't require the performance in handling before your motorcycle tire ends up with a big flat strip down the centre from those interstates.[url= said:backlander » Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:41 pm[/url]":7rifm9bt]
whew, now that was a trip, If you think about it can you report on the Shinko's tread depth after the trip and miles you covered on your journey, I'm anxious to see how they performed for you. This will give us some good info on these tires.