Flashers - differences

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Kingsport, Tennessee
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Former '82 GL1100 "The Slug"
My flasher unit failed recently and I replaced it with a similar 2 wire flasher. But, there is still a green wire hanging there (always has) and the manual does show a 3 wire flasher. What is the difference between the 2 wire and 3 wire? The 2 wire is working normally. :headscratch:
Two wire is load and supply ( lights and battery, ignition )
Three wire is load and supply with the third wire being earth ( as is the Gokdwing) or in some cases pilot lamp ( dash indicator light)
Probably weird but the old stock Honda 3 wire flasher has a certain charm in the way it sounds and operates to me but I'm partial to mechanical things as opposed to electronic.
I have an electronic 2 pin flasher in the 81... It's been there for about 3 years with no problem. Since I am putting LED lights on my trailer, I'll be putting the same thing on the 84 too.

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